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Virus is tailored to attack Asians
送交者: 02035335[★品衔R5★] 于 2020-01-29 20:38 已读 1811 次  


Virus is tailored to attack Asians

Notable is that while SARS spread to about 40 countries, the infections in most countries were few and deaths almost zero, and it was exclusively (or almost exclusively) Chinese who were infected, those in Hong Kong most seriously, with Mainland China suffering little by comparison. 6park.com

The SARS virus apparently much preferred Chinese to Caucasians, though it did attack Vietnamese health care workers (who may be similar to Chinese in their susceptibility). 6park.com

Outbreak (1995) A dangerous airborne virus threatens civilization in this tense thriller. After an African monkey carrying a lethal virus is smuggled into the U.S., an outbreak occurs in a California town. To control the spread of the disease, a team of doctors is brought in that includes a contagious disease expert (Dustin Hoffman).

This appears to be precisely the case with this new virus, in that all the infected persons are Chinese. News reports speak of infections appearing in Thailand or the US, but those (at least to date of writing) were all Chinese who had been to Wuhan. There have been no cases so far of infected Caucasians. 6park.com

As with SARS, this new virus appears to be tightly-focused and race-specific to Chinese. 6park.com

American bioscientists caught by the police inside of China doing illegal acts.

We might in other circumstances pass this off as an unfortunate coincidence but for some major circumstantial events that serve to alter our focus. 6park.com

One of these is the history of American universities and NGOs having come into China in recent years to conduct biological experiments that were so illegal as to leave the Chinese authorities enraged. 6park.com

This was particularly true when it became known that Harvard University had surreptitiously proceeded with experiments in China. Experiments that had been forbidden by the authorities years earlier. And where they collected many hundreds of thousands of Chinese DNA samples and then left the country. 6park.com

The Chinese were furious to learn that Americans were collecting Chinese DNA. 6park.com

The government intervened and prohibited the further export of any of the data. The conclusion at the time was that the ‘research’ had been commissioned by the US military with the DNA samples destined for race-specific bio-weapons research. 6park.com

So the American military was collecting Chinese DNA to develop bio-weapons. 6park.com

Trademarks and indicators

In a thesis on Biological Weapons, Leonard Horowitz and Zygmunt Dembek stated that one clear sign of a genetically-engineered bio-warfare agent was a disease caused by an uncommon (unusual, rare, or unique) agent, with lack of an epidemiological explanation. I.e. no clear idea of the source. 6park.com

They also mentioned an “unusual manifestation and/or geographic distribution”, of which race-specificity would be one. 6park.com

Recent disease outbreaks that would seem to possibly qualify as potential bio-warfare agents are AIDS, SARS, MERS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Polio (Syria), Foot and Mouth Disease, the Gulf War Syndrome and ZIKA. 6park.com

Outbreak (1995) A dangerous airborne virus threatens civilization in this tense thriller. After an African monkey carrying a lethal virus is smuggled into the U.S., an outbreak occurs in a California town. To control the spread of the disease, a team of doctors is brought in that includes a contagious disease expert (Dustin Hoffman).

In fact, thousands of prominent scientists, physicians, virologists and epidemiologists on many continents have concurred that all these viruses were lab-created and their release deliberate. The recent swine flu epidemic in China has the hallmarks as well, with circumstantial evidence of the outbreak raising only questions.

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