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己不所欲, 勿施于人 。这是金则。 6park.com所有加拿大媒体指责美国, 中国及其它国家在欺凌加拿大。 6park.com加拿大政府发誓付诸联合国和国际人权法庭。 6park.com好样的! 6park.com但是, 6park.comToronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers backed by Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors; gathering around/in my workplace , are torturing, harassing, threatening, poisoning, terrorizing and murdering me by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons, which are classified as weapons of mass destruction by UN; which are defined as weapons of incapacitating targets by UN. 6park.comWith them, they are attacking my head, my heart and my hearing, even, they are using Radio Frequency Jammers on me in my home and in my workplace , which are absolutely forbidden by Canadian government and US government. So, I can't sleep and work normally every day. 6park.com怎么解决? 6park.com联合国: 人权不能双轨制和双重标准。更不能只许周官放火,不许百姓点灯 。 | |||
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