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送交者: 六王爺[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2018-06-01 20:37 已读 430 次 2 赞  


Contract for acquisition of 2 x warships for Pakistan Navy was signed with M/s China Shipbuilding Trading Company Ltd (CSTC), at Ministry of Defence Production, Rawalpindi. Deputy Chief of Naval Staff (Operations), Rear Admiral Faisal Rasul Lodhi was also present on the occasion. 

With the conclusion of this contract, Pakistan Navy will have a total of 4 x Type 054 A ships in its Fleet by 2021. The induction of these Ships will substantially enhance Pakistan navy’s war fighting capabilities while effectively contributing towards Maritime Security Operations in the region. 

Type-054 A is an extremely potent and state of the art warship equipped with latest weapons including long range missiles and Hi-tech sensors, capable to undertake operations in all domains of naval warfare. The acquisition of these modern ships is certainly a value addition in Pakistan Navy which is an ardent defenders of National Maritime Interests of Pakistan. 

The ceremony was attended by high ranking officials and dignitaries from China, Pakistan Navy and Government authorities.
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