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送交者: yoyomm19[布衣] 于 2017-08-21 17:54 已读 862 次 1 赞  





现在社会还是需要发声(阿三在公司叽叽呱呱往上爬,华人默默工作无人理),不然光自己中文骂阿三没用。以为我们怂,也让老外觉得中国理亏。 鉴于youtube在中国被封,所以要靠海外华人了! 如果不会英语或英语差,至少要在反阿三英文视频点赞啊! 现在我想搜集一下骂阿三的思路和句子, 大家就可以copy 再改点骂回去。简单有效 据我观察, 阿三被骂到痛处是不会正面还击,比如你骂他 贱民 dalit  1. Get more education dalit, study your history. inidan were raped by countless nations.That's why so many rapists in india 2. your reincarnation will be a dalit, because your mouth is full of filthy shit 3. Even western media knows india has so much freedom to pee everywhere, in every public places 4. I recommend india to get enough toilets first. You can start by building toilets and highways and supply enough oxygen for children in the hospitals first 5 Get more education dalit, study the history. Doklam belongs to China. That is the fact that been recognised by india gov in written. And india are always trying to prevent Bhutan to build healthy/diplomatic relationship with China. inida trying to manipulate Bhutan, that's a well known fact! 欢迎大家补充!  
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