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送交者: mafi444[布衣] 于 2017-05-30 11:01 已读 2041 次  



21st AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonics Technologies Conference







在厦门会议上,中国方面一口气发表了所有347篇论文中的272篇。如果这只是主场现象的话,2016年在亚特兰大举行的第20届会议只有89篇论文。中国军工向来有很深的保密传统,官方对很多已经在光天化日之下的“天下保守得最差的秘密”还拒不承认,慢说深藏水下、不为人们所知的真正秘密了。考虑到高超音速的军用潜力,厦门会议上中国的大动作不同寻常。美国《航空周刊》称这是中国对整个西方的叫板(a shot fired across the bow of the West)

厦门会议还完整透露了中国的高超音速研究计划。国家自然科学基金会出资1.5亿人民币,在2007-16年之间组织了9年研究计划,涵盖全国的科研院所和高校,涉及高超音速的所有主要方面。计划分三阶段,前四年打基础,中间两年择优深入,最后三年成果集成,尤其是要有实物。整个计划有三个目标:1、健全研究体系,完善设计方法;2、取得关键技术突破;3、打造人才队伍。在厦门,不仅国家队的绵阳的国家空气动力研究与发展中心、北京的科学院力学研究所积极很活跃,航天科工集团第三研究院、三十一研究所、中航工业沈阳飞机设计研究所、中航商飞、燃气涡轮研究院、运载火箭技术研究院、国防科大、西工大、南航、北航、厦大等都有积极参加。《航空周刊》称之为协调有效、举国发力的高超音速科研计划,不仅具有惊人的深度、广度,而且在相对较短的时间里就取得了多到令人晕眩的重大成就(a cohesive, nationwide hypersonic research and technology program that not only shows astonishing depth and breadth, but has also produced a bewildering number of major accomplishments in a relatively short period)。一本正经的权威专业杂志这样堆砌惊叹词是很少有的事情。

  3月6日,由美国航空航天学会、中国工程院主办,厦门大学承办的第21届国际航天飞机和高超声速系统与技术大会(International Spaceplane and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference)在厦门大学科学艺术中心拉开帷幕。这是美国航空航天学会成立80多年来第一次在中国召开会议。校长朱崇实在开幕式上致辞。航空航天学院常务副院长尤延铖主持开幕式。
  美国航空航天学会(AIAA)是国际标准组织(ISO)中太空系统和运营(TC 20-SC14)的书记处,是全球最大的致力于航空、航天、国防领域的科学和技术进步的专业性非政府、非赢利学会。AIAA还是世界上最大的航空航天出版机构,被公认为是航空航天文献的重要资源。此前,AIAA每年近30场系列国际会议大都在美国本土举办,还从未在中国举办过任何学术会议
  开幕式上,国际高超声速技术委员会主任、美国Aerojet发动机公司的Adam Siebenhaar首先致欢迎词。他对各位嘉宾、专家学者的到来表示热烈欢迎,对本次会议的顺利召开表示衷心祝贺。


结构图,冲压部分和火箭部分共用燃烧室/进气道,注意这玩意有个涡轮泵 China Reveals Key Test Progress On Hypersonic Combined-Cycle Engine

Chinese engineers say ambitious turbo-aided rocket and scramjet are on track for 2025 flight tests
Apr 10, 2017 Guy Norris | Aviation Week & Space Technology

Hyper Hybrid

Chinese engineers will test a prototype combined-cycle hypersonic engine later this year that they hope will pave the way for the first demonstration flight of a full-scale propulsion system by 2025. If successful, the engine could be the first of its type in the world to power a hypersonic vehicle or the first stage of a two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane.

Combined-cycle systems have long been studied as a potential means to access to space and long-range hypersonic vehicles because they use both air-breathing and rocket engines to enable aircraft-like operations from a standing start to cover a wide range of speeds and altitudes. Such systems also take advantage of using atmospheric oxygen for fuel.

Various turbine, rocket and ramjet combinations have been studied in the West for decades, but it seems that a new Chinese-developed variation on this theme—the turbo-aided rocket-augmented ram/scramjet engine (TRRE)—appears to be closest to becoming the first practical combined-cycle propulsion system. Developers at the Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute say the engine will have sufficient capability to power horizontal-takeoff-and-landing hypersonic “near-space reconnaissance-and-strike” vehicles, two-stage-to-orbit and even the single-stage-to-orbit vehicles.

New Hypersonic Power Option
Turbo-aided rocket-augmented ram/scramjet combined cycle (TRRE) set for free jet testing this year

Concept combines three main propulsion systems—turbine, rockets, ram/scramjets—in just two main ducts

Capable of operations from zero to Mach 6+, with targeted top speed in Mach 10 range

Targeted at near space reconnaissance and strike platform vehicles, two-stage and single-stage-to-orbit vehicles

Although similar to several earlier combined-cycle concepts, including the Trijet proposed by Aerojet Rocketdyne in 2008, the TRRE incorporates the three main propulsion systems in just two main ducts. The TRRE consists of a turbine, liquid oxygen/kerosene-liquid-fueled rockets and a kerosene-fueled ram/scramjet combined with a common inlet and exhaust and is designed to operate from a standing start to Mach 6+. The turbine, which operates from take-off to Mach 2, is housed in an upper low-speed duct, while the ramjet and rockets are located in the lower high-speed duct. Two rockets are mounted in the duct; an aft-mounted rocket for transonic acceleration and mode transition, and a main rocket mounted farther forward in the duct for flame stabilization during acceleration through to scramjet transition at Mach 6.

Updating test progress on the TRRE at the AIAA/China Academy of Engineering International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems conference in Xiamen, Wei Baoxi of the Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute says simulations and experiments over the past two years have “validated its comprehensive advantages for acceleration, cruise, mobility and other aspects. The results show that the TRRE engine can reconcile the demands of high thrust at lower Mach numbers and high specific impulse at a Mach number of 6.0.”

For a typical cycle, the TRRE would operate in the turbine mode for takeoff with both ejector rockets in the high-speed duct, or channel, augmenting thrust to overcome transonic drag. Around Mach 2, the low-speed duct is closed and the engine transitions to using the ramjet and rocket/ramjets in the high-speed duct. From Mach 3 to Mach 6, the engine operates in ram mode and rocket ram mode using both the high-speed inlet and the forward-mounted ejector rocket in tandem. The engine enters scramjet mode with the activation of the rocket/ramjet compound combustion chamber at Mach 6.

The TRRE combined-cycle system integrates a high-speed turbine, rockets and ramjets in an “over-under” two-duct configuration. Credit: Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute

“The main advantage of the TRRE is that it can solve the problems of an RBCC at low thrust and low speed by using the turbine engine for takeoff and landing as well as low-speed flight,” says Baoxi. “The second advantage is that with the rocket engine it solves the problem of the TBCC transition thrust ‘pinch,’ and it can also achieve a high specific thrust from Mach 3 to Mach 10. If integrated well, it will provide smooth mode transition and solve the thrust gap between the turbine and ramjet as well as provide a wide range of thrust capability between subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic conditions. It will also be good for acceleration and maneuvering. The configuration will also enhance the stability of engine operation under extreme conditions using the combustion and steady flame effect of the rocket gas jet. Using these, we can expand the boundaries of stable operation,” he adds.

Numerical test results of the TRRE prototype show it can “operate in the full flight envelope of Mach 0-6+ and have demonstrated the integrated high- and low-speed channels work cooperatively,” says Baoxi. “They also show reliable power-mode transition and the feasibility of the rocket/ramjet working in cooperation in the high-speed channel over an extremely wide speed range between Mach 1.5 and 7.” 

In 2016, developers completed inlet and nozzle wind-tunnel experiments as well as direct-connect test rig evaluations of power-mode transitions at Mach 1.8. Testing in the direct-connect rig was also performed to assess steady state performance between Mach 2 and 6. “The results verified the design methods of the TRRE inlet, nozzle and combustor. And the thrust performance obtained by the power mode transition experiments show the engine can achieve a reliable shift from the turbine mode to the rocket-ramjet mode,” says Baoxi. “When the scale effect is taken into account, thrust at the power mode shift state can reach around 16,000 lb. [8 tons] for an engine with the capture area of 1 m2, which basically meets the requirement of the vehicle design,” he adds.

One of the biggest milestones for the program will occur later this year, when developers plan to conduct free jet tests of the engine for the first time. The work will evaluate the TRRE through power-mode transitions and steady state operation at Mach 2-6 and forms the heart of the first development phase, which is focused on proving core technologies and overall operations. During this phase, which runs through 2020, Baoxi says: “We plan to adopt a small turbine for the prototype to verify the working principle.”

Baoxi indicates that the turbine for the ground prototype will be an off-the-shelf, low-bypass engine which is capable of around Mach 0.8. However, he adds that the engine will be adapted through unspecified means to represent conditions at Mach 1.8, which is the lowest mode transition speed already tested in the direct connect rig. “So it can be used to validate our operating principle,” he notes.

For the follow-on flying demonstrator, Baoxi says the turbine will likely be based on the WS-15, a super-cruising turbofan under development by Xian Aero Engine Corp. for later production versions of the twin-engine Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter. However, even though the initial batch of J-20s entered service early this year with the People’s Liberation Air Force, they are believed to be powered by an interim variant of the Russian-made Saturn AL-31 rather than the WS-15. An official quoted on the website China Military Online on March 13 commented that although WS-15 development is proceeding well, overall progress for production readiness has been hampered by quality co**ol issues with relatively recently developed areas of advanced engine technology for China, specifically single-crystal superalloy turbine blades and powder metallurgy superalloy turbine disks.
Credit: Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute

It is unclear if the targeted thrust of the WS-15 (believed to be more than 40,000 lb. when installed in the J-20) is suited to the transition Mach numbers aimed at for the flying demonstrator planned for the second development phase in the 2020-25 time frame. “Before 2025, an in-service mature turbine engine will be adopted to form the engineering program and support completion of the small horizontal-takeoff-and-landing free-flight test vehicle,” says Baoxi, who confirms the aircraft will conduct the tests from a runway rather than being air-dropped from a carrier aircraft. 

Phase three, running from 2025-30, will focus on development and integration of an advanced high-speed turbine engine into the TRRE. Program success will also hinge on parallel breakthroughs in “the operation of the scramjet at higher Mach numbers, particularly in technology areas such as the adjustable combustion chamber ramjet suitable for a wide range of work,” says Baoxi. In addition, development of a high-efficiency precooling system will be required. Preliminary work to support this is underway at various sites in China. Once combined with these enhancements, he adds, “the operating range of the TRRE engine can be further expanded.” 
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