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送交者: shing[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2016-05-12 15:51 已读 2742 次 1 赞  


7.25-billion: France makes its ‘best’ price offer for 36 Rafale fighter jets 72.5亿欧元:法国为36架阵风战机报的最优惠价格 NEW DELHI: The Rafale fighter deal that has been stuck for the past several months on pricing issues is likely to move ahead with a new offer from Paris that could see India paying 7.25 billion for 36 new jets. 过去几个月,阵风战机交易因价格谈不拢而卡住。巴黎报出新的价格后,可能会有所进展,也就是36架72.5亿欧元。 00114320c9e60d4e11df5c 资料图 The new offer from France is the lowest price being quoted for the Rafale fighters till now, though a weapons package is to be negotiated separately. Officials involved in the negotiations have told ET that the latest French offer came just over two weeks ago and could be the last price being offered for the Rafale fighter jets that are being procured by India under a government to government deal. 来自法国的新报价是迄今为止最低的,而一揽子武器另外谈。参与谈判的官员对印度经济时报记者说,法国是两周前报出最新价格的 ,可能是最后的价格了。 This is a substantial cut from the 8.8 billion Euro figure that was being quoted for the deal in BJP circles and was even advertised by its IT department as a major win for the Modi government. 相比此前88亿欧元的价格,已经是大幅降价了,甚至被当做莫迪政府取得的一个大胜利来宣传。 20080214085731a06ad 资料图 印度时报读者的评论: 译文转自三泰虎网站     Arun Kumar     Success in Modi''s feather again.. Modi''s negotiation skills with french has worked well for us which the deal was on pending from quite long time. Hope country will get more best deals like this.. Because India needs best weapon equipment to save 130K crore people.     莫迪又成功了     莫迪的谈判技巧发挥了作用,这桩买卖已经拖了很久了     希望以后继续努力     印度需要最先进的武器来保护13亿人民     hemsing     yes modi is a true patriot and an honest and excellent negotiator     莫迪是真正的爱国者     是老实人     是出色的谈判家     Madhusudan Hora     Most Aero engineers in US univs are from India.     美国大学的大多数航空工程师来自印度     mpraomokkapati     Hats off to Parrikar and Modi for saving good amount and with zero kickback     向普利卡尔和莫迪致敬     你们省了一大笔钱,而且没有拿回扣     Jay K     Good deal ., if it is .. take it now ...     划得来     买吧     ASingh     Defense Ministry should not delay and go ahead with the deal. Once the deal is signed it will take few years for the India Air Force to receive the complete consignment of 36 Rafales. Plus there will be lot of work for the DRDO to make currently weaponry used by SU 27 fighters compatible to Rafale.     事不宜迟,印度国防部赶紧去签协议吧     一旦协议签署了,印度空军要等几年才能拿到36架阵风战机     况且,要让苏27战机挂载的武器能用在阵风战机上,印度国防研究与发展组织还有得来忙的     Sharad Lotlikar     France has very astutely switched to Euros from Dollars which is depreciating now!     法国很狡猾,用欧元结算,不用美元,美元在贬值呢     Vishal Sheth     Good to hear that France will invest in the Indian defence industry, but I still think the US offer for F-18s should be considered as they proposed manufacturing the jets in India     欣闻法国投资印度国防工业     不过我觉得美国的F18战机也值得考虑,毕竟美国提出在印度造这些战机     Balachandran Nair     Good, but till we have indigenous manufacturing of fighter planes we will be facing shortage and delay in procurement     不错     不过只要我们不具备自主造战机的能力,我们就会面临战机短缺,就会面临延迟交货的问题     Sulochana Biswal     tech transfer is important so that we can produce it in our country     技术转移是重要的     只有技术转移了,我们才有能力在国内造     werichbin     Everything is fine but when the deal will be inked finally???     一切那么完美     就是不知道什么时候签协议?     Sharad Lotlikar     We dont have tech to manufacture Turbo jet engines. For that matter even China doesn''t have this tech and they are dependent on Russia.     我们不具备制造涡轮增压喷射发动机的技术     就连中国也不具备这个技术,目前依赖俄罗斯     Rag Ani     Congrats Mr Modi for saving 10,000 Crores of Indian Money on this deal & truly appreciate the offset clause brining in more than 22000 crores as an onvestment back in india in defense & aerospace industry     祝贺莫迪先生在这桩买卖上省了1000亿卢比     bimal krishna     No price is higher than national security , protection to country & its interest when surrounded by two staunch adversaries.     周围有两个死敌,国家安全是无价的,保护国家,保护国家利益不受侵犯     Babu sona     Good price     好价钱     Bivu D     we need Rafale as soon as possible , as we need it urgently induct into AIRFORCE.     尽快买到阵风战机,印度空军急需呢     Pushpinder Singh     great Deal     很划算啊     Ankush Aggarwal     Good deal by Govt .. but govt also need to focus on technology transfer so Import can be reduced in coming years...     划得来     不过要确保技术转移,以后就不用进口那么多了     Gururaj Narayan     That works out to Euro 201 million per aircraft. That''s a pretty penny to pay for one aircraft, though can''t comment on the value for money, not knowing more specs. Seems more than Pakistan is required to pay for F16 from the US.     也就是一架2.01亿欧元     这可是一大笔钱,一架就那么贵。     不能说是物有所值     似乎单价比巴基斯坦从美国购买F16战机更贵啊     Shantnu Singh     This is amazing, Modi Gov is doing Great Things for India     太神奇了     莫迪政府为国家成就了伟大事业

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