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老黑说 600亿远远不够 以后要限制中国人在非洲就业
送交者: 睡印[♂☆品衔R3☆♂] 于 2015-12-05 18:28 已读 290 次  


回答: 中国模式,正从非洲大地起航! 作者: 占豪 (转帖) 由 cougarwu 于 2015-12-05 15:42

AI Jazeera English : Is China exploiting Africa? 

Is 60 billion dollars enough to convince African leaders that China is their most reliable partner? President Xi Jingping is in South Africa reassuring leaders from across the continent with hard cash. Which will be welcome, after the economic downturn forced China to slash investment in Africa by more than 40 percent earlier this year. The theme for the summit in Johannesburgis “Africa-China Progressing Together: Win-Win Cooperation for Common Development.” But it's a partnership that hasn't always been described as equal - with China accused of plundering Africa's rich resources.

半岛电视台英语频道访谈 :中国是在利用非洲么?
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