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送交者: 188[布衣] 于 2015-07-17 19:49 已读 117 次  


回答: B-17装那么多机枪偶尔蒙上几个不算啥,美军轰炸德国损失很大 由 lzhou 于 2015-07-17 19:04


During the Schweifurt-Ragensburd mission on 17 August 1943 the B-17 gunners shot-down about 18 single-engined Luftwaffe fighters but the gunners made claims (which were accepted at the time) for 288 definitely destroyed, 81 probably destroyed and 103 damaged, and these are only the claims made by gunners that returned from the mission.

The escorting P-47 fighters shot-down about 13 single-engined fighters compared to the 20 claims made at the time.

Against this 60 B-17 bombers were lost; about 50 of them to enemy fighter attack.

I should point out that I have the greatest respect for the B-17 gunners, they were brave men and their claims were made in good faith but the whole object of the B-17 formation was to bring as many defensive guns to bear on attacking fighters as possible hence the difference between claims and actual aircraft shot-down.
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