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回答: 人,只有当恐惧与妒忌时,才会污蔑与诋毁 由 eleazar 于 2015-05-28 23:49 回了几帖。这是其中一个: From lots of crazy comments here, I can see how Americans have been badly spoiled during the last 25 years. When you say a country threats you, you invade it, killing millions of people (directly or indirectly); when you have an economic crisis, you direct it to other countries and force them to pay your bills. Now you are facing a bully-killer who's become strong enough. Calm down and get used to it. War is not the solution. In the forgotten Korean War, US and UN were defeated by Chinese soldiers with ridiculously primitive weapons. You really think US can win now? 一个弱智回复: Destroy china 很多年不上网教育这帮二货了,没想到堕落成这样了。 | |||
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