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送交者: VeronaMan[布衣] 于 2014-08-20 10:45 已读 2281 次 2 赞  


链接:http://video.state.gov/en/video/3738924926001 1分30秒开始

QUESTION: No stops in Missouri?

MS. HARF: Take us away.

QUESTION: For these students?

MS. HARF: I told you they’re in Washington now.

QUESTION: So there was no stops in – there were no stops in Missouri?

MS. HARF: Not to my knowledge.

QUESTION: Okay, let’s stay with that but a little bit of an international aspect to it. It seems as though the situation in Ferguson has turned into something of a free-for-all for governments around the world who you – who the U.S. is particularly critical of in terms of human rights records are now taking aim at the United States and the situation there. I’m wondering first, just generally, if you have any --

MS. HARF: I do.

QUESTION: -- response to the reaction.

MS. HARF: I do. Look, we here in the United States will put our record for confronting our problems transparently and honestly and openly up against any other countries in the world. When things occur, as you’ve heard the President speak about, we look at them, as I said, transparently, honestly, and openly. And we, of course, would suggest that other countries do the same thing.

QUESTION: And do you believe that any of these – a short list of these countries includes Egypt, Iran, Bahrain, Russia, China, Zimbabwe. I’m wondering if you think that any of – any criticism coming from these countries is particularly – is either welcome or appropriate.

MS. HARF: Well look, people are free to say whatever they want. That’s something we believe in very deeply here, is freedom of expression. But I would certainly strongly disagree with the notion that’s what’s happening here is comparable in any to situations in some of those countries you’ve named. As I said – and this is really a domestic issue – but briefly, when we have problems and issues in this country, we deal with them openly and honestly. We think that’s important, and I would encourage the countries you named particularly to do the same thing. They haven’t always done that, and we’ve been very clear when we believe they should. 人权问题,只要我觉得我Openly和Honestly和Trasnparently处理你,就OK了。美帝的说法真梦幻。Assumption或者说Prerequisite真是美国逻辑的精华,当所有前提都不好使的时候,我就造一个。新华社真应该好好学学。

QUESTION: So you’re not concerned about this being an unwelcome – this being unwelcome or inappropriate interference or meddling, which is usually what countries like Egypt --

MS. HARF: -- say about us. No, I understand. Look, again, people are free to say what they want and they’re free to comment on things that happen in this country. I’m also free to disagree with the comparisons that some are making.

QUESTION: Sure. So you would welcome – or the Administration, the Federal Government would welcome – even though, as you say, this is a domestic situation in one U.S. state, you would welcome international observers, international human rights monitors, groups, to go --

MS. HARF: There is a process taking place right now domestically in this country there in Ferguson. The President has spoken about it. The Attorney General is going there. I don’t have any further comment on a process that is a purely domestic one and does not involve the State Department.

QUESTION: Well, I understand that, but it does – if countries, foreign countries are complaining to you and about you – and not you personally but in general --

MS. HARF: Some have, though, in the past.

QUESTION: Oh yes. But anyway, that’s neither here nor there, and this --

MS. HARF: Separate issue.

QUESTION: Right. It does become the purview or the province of the State Department, does it not? In answering --

MS. HARF: Well, we’ve certainly seen the public comments, but I don’t have any further analysis of them to do other than what I just said.

QUESTION: All right. So – but you don’t – you – the Administration wouldn’t have a problem with, say, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, other human rights groups, going to check out what’s going on there and reporting back?

MS. HARF: I have – don’t know if we have a position here at the State Department. I know there are some folks on the ground, and I haven’t heard problems with that. But I don’t want to wade too deeply into --


MS. HARF: -- what is a purely domestic issue. 说实话,我蛮喜欢小玛丽的!

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