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送交者: PM[品衔R1] 于 2014-07-19 21:53 已读 809 次  


华盛顿邮报报道,美国政府证实叛军试图将三套Buk系统运回俄罗斯。 The United States has confirmed that Russia supplied sophisticated missile launchers to separatists in eastern Ukraine and that attempts were made to move them back across the Russian border after the Thursday shoot-down of a Malaysian jet liner, a U.S. official said Saturday.

“We do believe they were trying to move back into Russia at least three Buk [missile launch] systems,” the official said. U.S. intelligence was “starting to get indications…a little more than a week ago” that the Russian launchers had been moved into Ukraine, said the official. 俄罗斯真愚蠢的相信这东西能在卫星下藏起来。 上月俄罗斯提供给反叛军队三辆坦克后,俄媒体还在说是从乌克兰坦克跑到俄组织时,美卫星把坦克从俄罗斯运到乌克兰的路径都透露了。  其实当天普京发言时,就知道肯定是俄罗斯人打下来的。 普京说:"I want to point out that this tragedy wouldn't have happened if there was peace in this land, or at least if fighting hadn't resumed in the southeast of Ukraine," 因为乌克兰没有和平,所以是乌克兰的过错。


普京说 :"And undoubtedly, the state on whose territory this happened is responsible for this awful tragedy."

在乌克兰领土上打下来的飞机,当然是乌克兰负责任。 现在承认那些所谓的独立地区都是乌克兰的领土了,当初干什么去了?

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