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送交者: PM[品衔R1] 于 2014-06-06 19:16 已读 2462 次  


Combine that information with the kinetic, cyber and electronic warfare capabilities of the F-35  and we may know why South Korea, Japan, Israel and Australia have all recently committed to buy substantial numbers of F-35s, in spite of the aircraft being behind schedule, facing significant technical problems and, of course, being really expensive overall. Several sources with direct knowledge of the negotiations — from government and industry —  tell me that each country went in to discussions with the Pentagon with a great deal of skepticism. But once country representatives received the most highly classified briefing — which I hear deals mostly with the plane’s cyber, electronic warfare and stealth capabilities — they all decided to buy. That kind of national and fiscal commitment from other countries may say more about the aircraft’s capabilities than anything else. After all, some of those countries are staring right at China, the country that has rolled out two supposedly fifth generation fighters. And Russia, the other country trying hard to build a rival to the F-22 and the F-35, sits not far behind.

美国空军将领Mike Hostage日前在采访中提到为什么美国盟国购买F-35.
F-35制造拖延、存在许多技术问题、仍然昂贵,这些国家购买前对F-35抱着严重的怀疑态度。但当五角大楼把高度机密的介绍拿出后 -- 尤其有关此飞机电子战、隐身能力方面 -- 他们都下定决心购买F-35.
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