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美联社斜眼看中国军费增长 引美网友大量吐槽
送交者: yourendeng[布衣] 于 2014-03-09 5:44 已读 3035 次  


中国宣布其国防预算将以两位数增长后,美国太平洋司令称,将密切关注亚洲强权国家中国的这一行为背后的意图。一些国会议员向海军上将塞缪尔·洛克莱尔(Adm. Samuel Locklear)发问并质疑,美国是否有能力与正崛起中国竞争,美国是否会维持以亚洲“支点”的战略。










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网友Steve Irberg :这算哪门子质疑?只有一叶障目的SB才看不出来他们在做什么。中国想通过军备竞赛,拖垮美国经济。这和我们拖垮苏联是一样的。本来我们的军费就够高了,到最近几年才有所下降。所以闲钱很多的中国,就少量地增加了自己的军备预算,期望美国也会增加自己那庞大的国防军费,期望美国继续花光明天的钱。

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网友Edd Resabal:

US questions China intentions, amid budget hike
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Pacific commander voiced concern Wednesday over China's intentions as the Asian power announced its latest double-digit hike in defense spending.
Several lawmakers questioned Adm. Samuel Locklear about U.S. ability to contend with a rising China and sustain a "pivot" to Asia amid growing pressure on the U.S. defense budget.
China announced Wednesday a 12.2 percent increase in military spending to $132 billion — likely a considerable underestimate of actual spending, but still far less than the $600.4 billion the U.S. spent last year.
Locklear noted China's spending increase, and added that the 12.2 percent rise is "just what we can see."
He told the House Armed Services Committee that there has been a slow and steady growth in the U.S.-China military relationship, and that the U.S. wants China to provide a positive contribution to regional security. But he said China's recent activities were calling into question how it will proceed.
"What's frustrating is what's happening in their own backyard as it relates to their relations with some of our allies," Locklear said, citing China's "ambiguous" territorial claims in the South China Sea and its declaration of an air defense information zone over the East China Sea, in an encompassing airspace above Japanese-controlled islands also claimed by China. "This all complicates the security environment and makes us wonder," Locklear said.
"Whether the (Chinese) military will rise, I think that's a given. It will. The question is: is it transparent, what is it used for, is it cooperating in the larger security environment with neighbors?" he said.
State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki also told reporters that the U.S. was urging greater transparency from China, and encouraging it to use its military capabilities for peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific.

House and Senate committees on Wednesday were quizzing U.S. military commanders about budget requests for 2015, against the backdrop of tensions between China and its neighbors in East and Southeast Asia, and the Russia's intervention in Ukraine.
The Obama administration is looking to develop a smaller, more modern military force, but some in Congress worry that could weaken U.S. capabilities in a period of growing uncertainty in Europe and Asia.
Republican Sen. John McCain took aim at the administration for presenting a budget "that constrains us in a way which is unprecedented since previous times." He cited remarks reportedly made by a senior defense official Tuesday that budget cuts mean the "pivot" can't happen — comments the administration quickly rolled back.
While Locklear acknowledged the difficulty of maintaining the naval presence the U.S. needs, he predicted China would not be able to threaten American global military pre-eminence for a long time. He said he was most concerned by China's introduction of military capabilities apparently aimed at thwarting the U.S. ability to defend its allies in the region.

So, Russia is putting out feelers in Ukraine to test the waters on how far they can be aggressive, to test the rest of the worlds response. Russia befriends Syria and Iraq. Russia moves navy into the north atlantic. North Korea is firing ICBM and SCUD missiles and testing nukes. China has claimed rights and is moving into the South China Sea. How far does the world let China and Russia move outward, not to mention the way they are trading with other than the dollar before the American PEOPLE realize our government knows that within this decade or so Russia, China and others will take over as the world superpower and all of hollywood, disney, detroit (which is already shot die to leases, but let's not go there yet), NBA, NFL and all things we have come to take for granted will be taken from us and our children as our economy collapses - We will be the people living in poverty as we have become lazy and too dependent on the government and others. When you two income homes are zero income homes, and that is 50% of this country how will you pay to heat your home when the power is shut off? Where will you find water when it doesn't come out of your faucet? Food? Only so many people can fit in Tanya Harding's trailer park. Others are positioning themselves financially and militarily for this eventuality and we all just watch tv and wait for it to happen. WE NEED TO be proactive as a country and stop letting our government lead us down the primrose path.
The Chinese already said their intention is to defend itself from the rogue nations.
3.Steve Irberg
What question? Only an idiot doesn't see what they are doing. China is trying to get the US to bankrupt itself with excessive military spending...like we did to the Soviet Union. We have been well on the way to doing that for quite some time, but we recently reduced our military budget. So China, who has plenty of surplus cash, and spends a fraction of what we do on their military, increased their budget so we will fall back in line - spending money we don't have.

China has been increasing their military for years. Russia is on a power grab and China doubles their military spending. Our brilliant President guts our military and has cut nothing but military spending. No other president would have us so weak at a time like this.
Is there any place in the world that John "wayne" McCain doesn't want go to and mix it up militarily? Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Ukraine, China, North Korea. Hey John how about Detroit and South Central LA?
Apparently we still have this huge military force and we're not taking advantage of it by smacking everyone that looks sideways at the US.
Johnny yes you were a Viet Nam prisoner and hero, but it's time to start winding down. We just don't have the resources to be the strict disciplinarian of the world.

Chinese intentions are to crush, humiliate and bring every Asian nation to their knees. Every one.
China questions to US,
- What is your intention of meddling in Iraq?
- What is your intention of messing in Iran?
- What is your intention, albeit transparent, in Ukraine crisis?

- What is your intention of doing joint military exercise in S.Korea? (N.Korea launches SCUD only when you exercise jointly with S.Korea. If you don't come to East Asia, Those freaking Korea are just fine.) You come, irritate the nations, then aggravate by using un-called for activities, when others bark at you, you ask WHAT Is their intention. That's your agenda.
- What is your intention of sending B-52 bombers when China announced its own ADIZ? (China never sent their bombers, let alone fighters jet into your ADIZ? tell us about "Transparent")
- What is your intention of dangling your mouthpiece, Japan in East Asia? You huff and puff Japan, Korea piracy but you insistently and consistently howling piracy from China, let alone all other South East Asians.
- What is your intention of huffing and puffing Japan controversial nationalization of Diaoyu/Senkaku islands from privatization (Which is still controversial, let alone historical facts, Treaty craps), but you incessantly brings up China announcement of ADIZ which is by all means legitimate and you yourself set your own ADIZ long time ago. What is your genuine intention here?
- What is your intention of setting up PRISM, NSA?
Let's just conclude here, your intention is not for World Peace, your ultimate goal is to INFLUENCE the world from the Western point of view. To maintain that, you need to constantly bring up any controversial issues while hiding your own agenda.

8.Edd Resabal:
40 years ago at the UN General Assembly.
From late Paramount Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping (鄧小平), who launched China’s economic reforms, gave a speech to the UN General Assembly on April 10, 1974:
“CHINA is not a superpower, nor will she ever seek to be ONE... If one day China should change her COLOR and turn into a SUPERPOWER, if SHE TOO should PLAY the TYRANT IN THE WORLD, and everywhere subject others to her BULLYING, AGGRESSION and EXPLOITATION, the PEOPLE OF THE WORLD should IDENTIFY HER as SOCIAL-IMPERIALIST, EXPOSE it, OPPOSE it and WORK TOGETHER WITH THE CHINESE PEOPLE TO OVERTHROW IT”

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