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送交者: charmant[御史大夫★★★☆] 于 2013-12-01 10:21 已读 188 次  


回答: 日本和韩国最好别通报,出了事也没人同情,这世界就是这样,没有 由 龙珠 于 2013-12-01 9:55


Amid Rising Tensions, Have China And Japan Learned Lessons Of The Downing Of KAL Flight 007?

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The saber rattling in the East China Sea where commercial airlines routinely fly raises chilling reminders of the Russian shoot-down of a Boeing BA -0.35% 747 passenger jetliner in September of 1983.  China’s overlay of an air defense identification zone over part of Japan’s ADIZ was sure to raise concerns from not just Japan but its allies, including the United States which immediately sent two B-52 bombers through the zone without complying with China’s notification requirements.  The military brinkmanship is unnerving enough; but the thought of commercial airlines being caught unintentionally in the escalating tensions is of tremendous concern to those of us who remember the fate of Korean Airlines Flight 007.

While the US is warning its commercial airliners to comply with China’s ADIZ requirements, Japan, according to news reports, has told its airliners to ignore China’s notification requirements when transiting its newly established ADIZ.  This raises tremendous safety concerns for Japanese airliners transiting the area.  According to the Notice to Airmen published by Jeppesen’s, the Chinese have warned that all aircraft must comply with its new requirements or be subject to military action:  the Chinese warned it would “identify, monitor, control and react to” any air threats or unidentified flying objects coming from the sea.  It’s the threat of a military reaction that is, of course, the concern.

Thirty years ago this past September, a Korean Airlines Boeing 747 passenger jet enroute from JFK International Airport to Seoul, South Korea, with a refueling stop in Anchorage, Alaska, mistakenly entered Soviet prohibited airspace.  Although the reasons for the flight’s deviation from its assigned course may still be in dispute, there is no dispute at this time that the passenger flight was intercepted by a Russian fighter plane and shot down in the Sea of Japan, reportedly because it believed the aircraft was on a spying mission.  All 269 passengers and crew died, including 62 American citizens.

Needless to say, airliners would be well-advised to avoid overflights in the disputed area.  And if they must fly through it, comply with the Chinese requirements.
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