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随便发几张图 -KC135 谢谢斑竹帮忙一下
送交者: 飞行者[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2013-09-06 22:54 已读 6889 次 22 赞  


KC-135空中加油机是美国波音公司在为美国空军研制出C-135军用运输机基础上改进而成发展而来的一种大型空中加油机。C-135军用运输机是波音公司在波音707原型机367-80的基础上发展而成的。值得注意的是虽然C-135与波音707均是在367-80的基础上发展而来,但经历了不同的改进发展,所以军用型号C-135 和民用型号707 完全不是一回事。两者外型相似,但机身尺寸不尽相同。




























过去几十年的KC-135坠毁记录, 最近的一次是在2013年5月3日。 

On 27 June 1958, USAF KC-135A, serial number 56-3599, stalled and crashed at Westover Air Force Base after the crew failed to retract 

the flaps on takeoff, killing all 15 on board. The aircraft was attempting a world speed record between New York and London.

On 31 March 1959, USAF KC-135A, 58-0002, entered a thunderstorm near Killeen, Texas. Two engines separated and one of the engines 

struck the tail, causing loss of control. The aircraft crashed on a hillside, killing all four crew on board. The aircraft had been 

delivered just six weeks before the accident.

On 15 October 1959, USAF KC-135A, 57-1513, collided in mid-air with B-52F 57-0036 at 32,000 feet over Leitchfield, Kentucky, killing 

all six on board both aircraft.

On 3 February 1960, USAF KC-135A, 56-3628, crashed on takeoff in extremely gusty crosswind conditions at Roswell-Walker AFB, NM. The 

airplane skidded into two other KC-135 tankers (57-1449 and 57-1457) and a hangar and burst into flames. The aircraft was on a 

training flight, but the instructor pilot was occupying the jump seat instead of one of the pilot seats as directed by the local 

commander. The destruction of three aircraft, along with six fatalities among the crew and an additional two on the ground made this 

a unique mishap. 

On 18 November 1960, USAF KC-135A, 56-3605, crashed on landing at Loring Air Force Base due to an excessive sink rate, killing one of 

17 on board.

On 9 May 1962, USAF KC-135A, 56-3618, crashed on takeoff from Loring Air Force Base due to engine failure, killing all six on board.

On 10 September 1962, USAF KC-135A, 60-0352 on a flight from Ellsworth Air Force Base to Fairchild Air Force Base crashed into a 

mountain just 20 miles (32 km) northeast of Spokane, Washington. The flight hit fog on approach to the air base. The crash killed all 

44 crew and passengers on board.

On 27 February 1963, USAF KC-135A, 56-3597, crashed on takeoff at Eielson Air Force Base due to engine separation, killing all seven 

on board; two on the ground died when debris from the crash struck a guard house and nearby waiting room.

On 28 August 1963, USAF KC-135A, 61-0322, collided in mid-air with KC-135A 61-0319 in the Bermuda Triangle, killing all 11 on board 

both aircraft.

On 8 July 1964, USAF KC-135A, 60-0340, collided in mid-air with F-105 Thunderchief 61-0091 during in-flight refueling over Death 

Valley, California, killing all five on board both aircraft.

On 4 January 1965, USAF KC-135A, 61-0265, crashed on climbout from Loring Air Force Base after two engines separated, killing all 

four on board.

On 16 January 1965, USAF KC-135A 57-1442, crashed after an engine failure shortly after take off from McConnell Air Force Base, 

Kansas. The fuel laden plane crashed at a street intersection and caused a huge fire. 30 were killed, 23 on the ground and the 7 

member crew.

On 26 February 1965, USAF KC-135A, 63-8882, collided in mid-air with B-47E 52-0171 over the Atlantic Ocean, killing all eight on 

board both aircraft.

On 3 June 1965, USAF KC-135A, 63-0842, lost electrical power on takeoff and crashed at Walker Air Force Base, killing all five on 


On 19 May 1966, USAF KC-135A, 57-1444, of 4252nd Strategic Wing, crashed on takeoff from Kadena Air Base, killing all 11 on board as 

well as a motorist on nearby Highway 16. The aircraft was bound for Yokota Air Base to repair a KC-135 when it lifted off too soon 

during a heavy-weight takeoff.

On 17 January 1966, a fatal collision occurred between a B-52G and a KC-135 Stratotanker over Palomares, Spain causing radiological 


On 19 January 1967, USAF KC-135A, 56-3613, crashed into Shadow Mountain while descending towards Fairchild Air Force Base, killing 

all nine on board.

On 17 July 1967, USAF KC-135R, 59-1465, stalled and crashed at Offutt Air Force Base after the pilot overrotated the aircraft during 

takeoff, killing one of five on board.

On 17 January 1968, USAF KC-135A, 58-0026, stalled and crashed at Minot Air Force Base after the pilot, 15th Air Force Vice Commander 

MGen Charles Eisenhart, overrotated the aircraft during takeoff in a snowstorm, killing all 13 on board. This accident was 

instrumental in the decision to refit the KC-135 fleet with the Collins FD-109(V) integrated flight director system, in place of the 

earlier "round dial" cockpit layout.

On 30 July 1968, USAF KC-135A, 56-3655, crashed on Mount Lassen after the vertical stabilizer broke off after a sharp turn while 

practicing an emergency descent, killing all nine on board.

On 1 October 1968, USAF KC-135A, 55-3138, struck concrete and steel light poles on takeoff and crashed at U-Tapao Airport, Thailand 

after a loss of power in an engine and resultant loss of control, killing all four on board.

On 22 October 1968, USAF KC-135A, 61-0301, flew into a mountain while descending to Ching Chuan Air Base, Taiwan, killing all six on 


On 19 December 1969, USAF KC-135A, 56-3629, crashed into the sea on climbout from Ching Chuan Kang Air Base due to low-level 

windshear, killing all four on board.

On 3 June 1971, USAF KC-135Q, 58-0039, exploded in mid-air and crashed at Centenera, Spain, killing all five on board.[69]
On 8 March 1973, USAF KC-135A, 63-7989, collided with KC-135 63-7980 on the ramp at Lockbourne Air Force Base and caught fire, 

killing two of five on board.

On 6 February 1976, USAF KC-135A, 60-0368, flew into a mountain while descending to Torrejon Air Base, Spain, killing all seven on 

board. The aircraft was assigned to the 410th BMW/46th AREFS at K.I. Sawyer AFB, Michigan, but, as is often the case on Tanker Task 

Force deployed operations, the flight crew was from another unit. Only the aircraft crew chief was from the aircraft unit of 

assignment.[citation needed]

On 26 September 1976, USAF KC-135A, 61-0296, crashed while on approach to Wurtsmith Air Force Base, Michigan, killing 15 passengers 

and flight crew on board. The aircraft was flying a "First Team" mission taking 10 passengers to HQ-Strategic Air Command for 

briefings and orientation. The crew became distracted by a cabin pressurization problem after an intermediate stop and descended into 

a wooded area about 12 miles southwest of Alpena, Michigan. There was one survivor, reportedly a crew chief who was in the boom 

operator aft station (boom pod) at the time of the crash.[citation needed]

On 13 March 1982, Arizona ANG KC-135A, 57-1489. collided in mid-air with a civilian Grumman-American AA-1 Yankee near Luke AFB, AZ. 

The collision, which occurred as the tanker descending on an IFR flight plan through an undercast and was struck by the civilian 

aircraft operating VFR just below the cloud deck, caused the tail of the KC-135 to be severed by the force of the impact. The two 

civilians on the AA-1 and four military personnel on the KC-135 were killed, included among the dead was the squadron commander of 

the 197th AREFS, Lt Col James N. Floor.[citation needed]

On 19 March 1982, USAF KC-135A, 58-0031, exploded in mid-air at 13,700 feet and crashed at Greenwood, Illinois, due to a possible 

overheated fuel pump, killing all 27 on board.

On 13 March 1987, USAF KC-135A, 60-0361, crashed at Fairchild Air Force Base after encountering wake turbulence from a B-52, killing 

all six on board and one person on the ground.

On 20 September 1989, USAF KC-135E, 57-1481, exploded on the ground at Eielson Air Force Base due to an overheated fuel pump, killing 

two of seven on board. The crew was shutting down the engines when the explosion occurred.

On 4 October 1989, a KC-135A Stratotanker, 56-3592, from en route from Loring Air Force Base crashed into a hill along the west side 

of Trans-Canada Highway 2 2 mi (3.2 km) north of Perth-Andover, New Brunswick in Carlingford, New Brunswick due to an overheated fuel 

pump, killing all four crew members. After five accidents involving fuel pump overheating, crews were to keep 3000 pounds of fuel in 

the tank.

On 13 January 1999, a Washington Air National Guard KC-135E, 59-1452, crashed on approach in Geilenkirchen, Germany due to the 

horizontal stabilizer being in a 7.5 nose-up trim condition, killing 4 crew members.[78]
On 3 May 2013, a 22d Air Refueling Wing (USAF) KC-135R, 63-8877, crashed after takeoff at Manas Airbase in Kyrgyzstan, killing three 

crew members.

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