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Admiral Goshkov/INS Vikramaditya is a Kiev Class AC
送交者: csw2002[布衣] 于 2012-10-02 9:41 已读 20 次  


回答: a3租借的hm是不是辽宁好的姊妹舰?为何舰岛如此的巨大并且居中? (无内容) 由 Big_Mac 于 2012-10-02 9:06

Kiev Class (Project 1143) aircraft carrier is designed to be VSTOL aircraft carrier with massive weapons load on its foredeck. Hence the island superstructure was never designed with a second runway in mind (as Kiev Class carriers do not have ski jumps). India had to get Russia to convert it into a STOBAR aircraft carrier by removing all the weapon systems on the foredeck and installing a ski jump at ship's bow. However, the island superstructure is still perilously close to the new run way making landing and take-off more dangerous than it already is on this aircraft carrier. www.6park.com

Varyag/Liaoning, on the other hand, is a Admiral Kuznetsov class carrier - which was designed at the beginning to be a STOBAR aircraft carrier with multiple runways. Hence the island superstructure is a lot more off-centre to the port side in order to provide more deck space for aircraft operations.

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