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北美Imas一种猫罐头产品召回 猫咪家长注意  
送交者: 微笑着微笑[布衣] 于 2010-06-11 14:22 已读 39 次  


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A warning for our Feline friends: Procter & Gamble is recalling IAMS cat food www.6park.com

Please note that this concerns cat food only: www.6park.com

http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pg-recalls-specific-canned-cat-foods-due-to-low-levels-of-thiamine-vitamin-b1-95985019.html www.6park.com

CINCINNATI, June 9, 2010 /PRNewswire/ www.6park.com

The Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) (NYSE: PG) is voluntarily recalling specific lots of its Iams canned cat food in North America as a precautionary measure. Diagnostic testing indicated that the product may contain insufficient levels of thiamine (Vitamin B1), which is essential for cats. Cats that were fed these canned products as their only food are at greater risk for developing signs of thiamine deficiency. www.6park.com

产品具体名字, 罐底打印的日期如下 www.6park.com

(各种口味和大小包装均在召回范围内, 请猫猫的家长们注意) www.6park.com

Product Name www.6park.com

Iams ProActive Health canned Cat and Kitten Food
all varieties of 3 oz & 5.5 oz cans www.6park.com

Date on Bottom of Can
09/2011 to 06/2012 www.6park.com

如出现以上症状,应及时就医 www.6park.com

Early signs of thiamine deficiency may include loss of appetite, salivation, vomiting and weight loss. In advanced cases, signs may include ventroflexion (downward curving) of the neck, wobbly gait, falling, circling and seizures. Contact your veterinarian immediately if your cat is displaying any of these signs. If treated promptly, thiamine deficiency is typically reversible. www.6park.com

Procter & Gamble is the company Natura Pet Products recently sold out to. Buyer beware.

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