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NSW 养动物的法律规定: qiaqiac看这个能不能帮到你[原创] 
送交者: cheesecakke[布衣] 于 2010-10-26 19:51 已读 157 次  


1: 你买狗的时候狗狗是必须要有晶片的这个是permanent identification   www.6park.com

* 如果有打晶片你通常会拿到一张粉红色的纸, 上面有一个粘着很长的一组号码, 那就是你家狗狗一辈子的身份号码。
* 如果粉红纸上面填的是你的资料那么你要确定之前的狗主人把表格的原版寄到council
* 如果粉红纸上写的是之前主人的资料拿你要像他们拿change of ownership form 让他们签字把狗狗转到你的名字下, 这个必需做不然这只狗法律上还是他们的。 www.6park.com

*Have their animals implanted with a microchip from the time they are 12 weeks of age, at point of sale or change of ownership (whichever occurs first). www.6park.com

2: 当你上面的东西都解决了以后那就是Lifetime Registration
 Lifetime Registration 是要到你的Local Council, Local Pound去填一张表, 付钱就行了
 Lifetime Registration 可以在猫狗6个月的时候做, 那是因为从这个年纪你可以选择给猫狗节育
 节育的猫狗就 $40 不节育就 $150 (可想而知政府还是推广节育的) www.6park.com

法律规定:Register their animals with their NSW local council by 6 month of age. www.6park.com

3: 及时的通知你的local council 如果换电话, 换地址, 换主人, 如果你的资料不对有晶片也是没用的。 www.6park.com

法律规定: When you become the owner of a dog either by purchasing the animal or being given the pet, ensure that the previous owner or breeder sends the local council a completed and signed change of owner form www.6park.com

4狗主人请认真读: www.6park.com

法律规定: 全部的狗如果在公共场合需要携带的是狗圈, 狗圈上必需要有tag写着主人的地址, 电话, 这些全部是必需的。 如果 你倒霉遇到ranger你会被罚款的, hohoho www.6park.com

your dog is required by law, when in a public place, to have a collar around it’s neck with a tag attached that shows the dog’s name and the address or phone number of the dog’s owner. www.6park.com

5: 犯法罚款: Penalty notices issued under the Act www.6park.com

没晶片的猫狗: $165
没注册registered的猫狗: $165
没换地址和主人 (fail to change of address/owner): $165
狗狗跑丢了(fail to prevent dog escaping): $220
在公共场合没带狗链 (dog not on lead in public place ): $220
不捡大便 : $275
不把捡到的动物带到收拢所 $550
dog in prohibited place : $330
own or in charge of attacking dog : $550

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