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英文版 A Pet’s Ten Commandments…(pet不仅限于狗)
送交者: crap6[布衣] 于 2011-07-06 17:51 已读 18 次  


回答: 再发一次 (应该有不少人看过, 略有更新, 中文版)  由 crap6 于 2011-07-06 17:44

(1)       My Life is Likely to Last 10-15 Years, Any Separation From You is Likely To Be Painful. www.6park.com

(2) Give Me Time To Understand What You Want of Me. www.6park.com

(3) Place Your Trust In Me. It Is Crucial For My Well Being. www.6park.com

(4) Don’t Be Angry With Me For Long and Don’t Lock Me Up As Punishment. You Have Your Work, Your Friends, Your Entertainments, But I Only Have You. www.6park.com

(5) Talk To Me. Even If I Don’t Understand Your Words, I Do Understand Your Voice When Speaking To Me. www.6park.com

(6) Be Aware That However You Treat Me, I Will Never Forget It. www.6park.com

(7) Before You Hit Me, Before You Strike Me, Remember That I Could Hurt You, And Yet, I Choose Not To Bite You. www.6park.com

(8) Before You Scold Me For Being Lazy Or Uncooperative, Ask Yourself If Something Might Be Bothering Me. Perhaps I’m Not Getting The Right Food, I Have Been In The Sun Too Long, Or My Heart Might Be Getting Old Or Weak. www.6park.com

(9) Please Take Care Of Me When I Grow Old. You Too, Will Grow Old. www.6park.com

(10) On The Ultimate Difficult Journey, Go With Me Please. Never Say You Can’t Bear To Watch. Don’t Make Me face This Alone. Everything Is Easier For Me If You Are There, Because I Love You So. www.6park.com

Take A Moment Today To Be Thankful For Your Pets. Enjoy And Take Good Care Of Them. Life Would Be A Much Duller, Less Joyful Experience Without Them. www.6park.com

We Do Not Have To Wait For Heaven, To Be Surrounded By Hope, Love And Joyfulness. It Is Here On Earth And Has Four Legs.

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