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找到的 关于安乐死 的一些数据
送交者: 我欣赏你[布衣] 于 2011-10-13 6:53 已读 16 次  


回答: 看了《我喂养的另一窝小猫》还有其他一些讨论有感[讨论]  由 我欣赏你 于 2011-10-10 12:08

可能是我的research和数据归纳能力太差,我从国家级的Australian Bureau of Statistics没有找到有关这方面的资料,其他的一些数据也都是零星不完整的。 www.6park.com

但是,安乐死百万的数量级绝对是错误的。 www.6park.com

不知道全国有多少个animal shelters,雇佣多少员工,安置动物的能力为多少。 www.6park.com

在一些州,desex已经立法,在其他的一些州也在向着这方向努力。 www.6park.com

http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/113716/the-tragic-truth-about-cats-and-dogs www.6park.com

The summit also resolved to get to the bottom of the statistics issue. One of the problems facing those tackling pet overpopulation is the lack of accurate figures, making it difficult to get a baseline and track progress. The estimate is that 200,000 healthy cats and dogs are killed each year in Australia, but that, said Verrinder, was a "conservative estimate". www.6park.com

"Only Victoria and NSW currently gather statistics at state level, however, at the moment there is no state in Australia that's gathering those statistics compulsorily," she said. "We need comprehensive uniform stats, particularly about the number of animals that are coming in to pounds and shelters, and the number of animals being euthanased." www.6park.com

http://www.animalsaustralia.org/issues/companion_animals.php www.6park.com

In June of 2006 Animals Australia co-sponsored the inaugural National Summit to End Pet Overpopulation on the Gold Coast. The Summit organised by the Animal Welfare League of Qld and the National Desexing Network was attended by 125 delegates from all Australian states and territories and New Zealand who united in their call for an end to the killing of at least 200 000 healthy cats and dogs in Australia each year. www.6park.com

The Summit revealed that up to 96% of stray and surrendered cats and kittens, and 60% of stray and surrendered dogs are killed in some pounds and shelters. www.6park.com

A key resolution for action was for legislation to require desexing and microchipping prior to sale or exchange of cats and dogs, recognizing that overbreeding is a major problem that urgently needs to be addressed. www.6park.com

Other resolutions were that a National Coalition be formed, that common national data be coordinated and gathered, that understanding and training of veterinarians in early age desexing be pursued and that a Policy Development Committee on free living cats be formed. www.6park.com

http://www.smh.com.au/environment/animals/truth-about-cats-and-dogs-250000-killed-every-year-20100605-xlr4.html www.6park.com

MORE than a quarter of a million healthy cats and dogs are destroyed in Australia every year because there are not enough homes for them. www.6park.com

Behind the numbers there is a vicious debate about the oversupply of animals and what can be done to tackle the problem. www.6park.com


http://www.rspca.org.au/what-we-do/adoptions-shelters.html www.6park.com

Across Australia, RSPCA shelters receive more than 144,000 animals every year. While a large proportion of these animals are cats and dogs, RSPCA shelters also offer sanctuary to horses, livestock and a wide range of wild and native animals. www.6park.com

View the RSPCA's Annual National Statistics for 2008 - 2009 here(08-09表格数据)
http://www.rspca.org.au/assets/files/Resources/RSPCAAnnualStats2008-2009.pdf www.6park.com

http://www.rspca.org.au/how-you-can-help/campaigns/desexing.html www.6park.com

Every year around 60,000 cats are brought in to the RSPCA. The harsh reality is that we just can't find new homes for all of them so we are forced to euthanase 36,000 cats every year. www.6park.com

Each one of those deaths is a shameful waste and could be avoided if people would just desex their pets. www.6park.com

从地图上粗略看全国有至少40个RSPCA,平均没个的接纳和安乐死动物的数量可计算获得。 www.6park.com


关于ACT(首都堪培拉地区)desex全国法律法案最严厉地区的一些数据,辩论和思考。 www.6park.com

http://www.ccac.net.au/files/Mandatory_Desexing_in_the_ACT_Cats.pdf www.6park.com

http://www.savingpets.com.au/category/mandatory-desexing/ www.6park.com


关于猫狗绝育和收容的一些科研报告: www.6park.com

1.Report on the Validity and Usefulness of Early age desexing in dogs and cats www.6park.com

http://www.uq.edu.au/ccah/docs/15309finalreport.pdf www.6park.com

2.http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/documents/Biosecurity_AnimalWelfareAndEthics/L-Marsden-MUCD-Report-Part1.pdf www.6park.com

3.http://www.animalsandsociety.org/assets/library/100_jaws070102.pdf www.6park.com


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