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【春天了印象 原创音乐故事】A Little Girl and Geese To My Beloved
送交者: chuntianle[♀☆★★春天了印象★★☆♀] 于 2020-11-09 12:04 已读 2513 次 1 赞  



By Chuntianle 春天了
A Song and a Story: A Little Girl and Geese
To My beloved, My Geese, and All My Pets. I miss you all.
The music I composed comes from an impromptu. I sang the song while I improvised. And I felt it was made of movie scenes starting from now anytime I see geese. It makes me think about my beautiful memories when I was a little girl, and the scene that I go the heaven to meet my geese.
It also makes me think about the short life and love. I translate the story into music “A Little Girl and Geese”. I feel I had a peaceful mind when I composed this piece of music. However, I feel a little sad.
Long time ago when I was a little girl, my daddy bought two geese for me. They were white geese, very cute and pretty. I played with my geese every day, I held them with love, I kissed them, we had a good time. And they loved each other too. At that time, I took my geese out for a walk around my family’s backyard after school. Sometimes, it was not a walk, it was a flight, my geese could fly very high. First, they flapped their wings walking out from the geese house together with me to a wider yard, and then they started walking quickly and flying. The first time I saw them fly, I was so excited. I started running together with them……
The stories I want to tell in the music is that life is beautiful, but is short, we need to cherish it. And love is unforgettable, we need to cherish love we have today too, don’t wait for tomorrow.
The music is just like a painting, it has color in it. It describes the details and action of geese, swimming, singing, and diving. Music can paint the color of affection and love too.
Also, music is like another language, it can tell stories, and gives you unlimited space to imagine. It is amazing! I love beautiful things, I explore the beautiful things. I enjoy the happiness and sadness music brings to me. I love music!
Music Scene:
Scene 1 Reality: When I drive my car to go somewhere to play piano, when I walk around on the street, I see geese. I would stop, and watch them.
Scene 2 Reality to Memory: I see them swim in the water, dive into the water. It brings me to the time when I was a little girl. We had fun together in the past. The music describes how my geese swim, sing the songs, and how they dive. Such beautiful memories!
Scene 3 In Heaven: I meet my geese in heaven on the grass lawn, by the river, around the neighborhood when I was a child. Same scene, but in slow motion from my memory in black and white. It makes me feel mysterious, time went fast......I feel full of love.
Scene 4 Reality: Come back to reality.
故事简介:一首歌和一个故事 - 小女孩和鹅
这个故事想表达人生短暂,我们应该珍惜生活和我们爱的人。我作曲时,脑子里总有一幅幅 的画面,象电影。这段音乐最初是我即兴创作弹唱的一段音乐,用音乐描述故事,又用英语概述故事大意。我开车出去弹琴时,看见小鹅,停下观看,回想起小时候和我的小鹅在一起的情景,仿佛看到她们在嬉戏玩耍,唱歌,在水中扎猛子。。。。。。又想到我和她们在天堂会面,音乐场景变成了慢镜头,一幅幅画面重现。最后回到了现实。
春天了印象派: 一首歌和一个故事 - 小女孩和鹅
Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music,original song
#春天了印象派,#四季印象派, #chuntianle, #impressionism
#Chuntianle, #春天了,#春天来了, #春天, #四季歌
New Power Art
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