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25万只海龟上岸 哥斯大黎加人爽吃「海龟茶叶蛋」[12图]
送交者: xanfan[♂☆★★★声望勋衔16★★★☆♂] 于 2015-11-10 13:19 已读 1239 次 4 赞  


数十万只的太平洋海龟,日前在中美洲国家哥斯大黎加(República de Costa Rica)的海岸上产卵,但由于空间不足以让所有海龟下蛋,当地政府允许民众,可以捡拾海龟蛋贩售,因此当地卖起了「海龟茶叶蛋」,这里也是全球唯一合法采取和贩售海龟蛋的地方。 Costa Rican authorities have launched an investigation after a mob of holidaymakers prevented sea turtles from laying their eggs Crowds of tourists swarmed the Ostional Wildlife Refuge, in northwestern Guanacaste, and disrupted the nesting ritual As they gathered in the hundreds, the visitors stood in the turtles’ way as they swam ashore and even placed children on top of them

根据《新华网》报导,哥斯大黎加的奥斯地奥纳海滩(Ostional),除了拥有着名的海岸线之外,还是世界2个濒临绝种动物的繁殖栖息保护区,其中1个就是太平洋丽龟(Lepidochelys olivacea),每年7至12月就是丽龟到该处产卵的时间。 The tourists' actions caused many of the creatures to return to the sea without laying their eggs on a beach on the Pacific coast Tourists were blasted for touching the turtles, standing on top of their nests and snapping photos with flash cameras Refuge administrator Carlos Hernandez said he had never seen that many people at the beach, where the turtles nest regularly Hundreds of thousands of sea turtles generally arrive once a month and remain for three to five days at the beach, the WWF said

但今年的丽龟前往产卵的数量大增,当地的海洋生物学家马里西奥(Mauricio Mendez)表示,6日当晚有6.8万只丽龟上岸产卵,隔天更高达10.7万只,8日也有8万只,3天下来就有25万只丽龟上岸产卵,尤其是7日当天,海龟数量已经创下历年来的纪录。 The report suggested park rangers were overwhelmed by the number of tourists and unable to control the massive crowd Costa Rica's government allows locals, through community co-operatives, to harvest eggs laid by the first wave of sea turtles Ostional has been a protected area since 1982, and is the only place in the world where it is legal to harvest and sell sea turtle eggs The government says the first wave of eggs was often destroyed by turtles arriving later or by high tides

只是这次因为丽龟数量庞大,造成产卵地方不足,第一批的海龟蛋会被第二批上岸产卵的海龟踩碎,或是抛出洞外,因此会有93%的海龟蛋无法自然存活; 当地政府自1987年起,就允许多地民众可以采收第一批海龟蛋进行贩售,当地民众也就贩售起海龟茶叶蛋,奥斯地奥纳也是全球唯一可合法贩售「海龟茶叶蛋」的地方,当地民众只采收大规模产卵前3天的海龟蛋,约占总量的1%。

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