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逛一逛纽约曼哈顿苏豪区 SoHo New York
送交者: 飞扬的蒲公英[★品衔R6★] 于 2024-06-05 10:48 已读 6210 次 5 赞  


逛一逛纽约曼哈顿苏豪区 SoHo New York  6park.com


Soho 是「休士顿街以南」的缩写,由城市规划师和《休士顿南工业区研究》报告(亦称「拉普金报告」)的作者切斯特·拉普金于1962年命名。 Soho, short for "South of Houston Street" , was named in 1962 by Chester Rapkin, an urban planner and author of The South Houston Industrial Area study, also known as the "Rapkin Report". 6park.com

是曼哈顿下城的时尚街区, 以其时尚精品店、高档商店、艺廊和时尚餐厅而闻名。 A fashionable neighborhood in Lower Manhattan, Known for its eclectic mix of trendy boutiques, upscale shops, art galleries, and stylish eateries. 6park.com

它的的建筑风格独特,许多建筑都采用铸铁外墙。 The architecture in Soho is distinct, with many buildings featuring cast-iron facades. 6park.com

这些建筑通常由工业用途改建而成,现在设有豪华公寓、办公室和零售空间。 These buildings, often converted from industrial use, now house luxury apartments, offices, and retail spaces. 6park.com

贴主:飞扬的蒲公英于2024_06_05 10:50:46编辑
贴主:飞扬的蒲公英于2024_06_05 10:51:51编辑

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