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送交者: DonQuijote[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2017-05-09 11:27 已读 639 次  


回答: 出国怎么给小费、各国小费给多少? 由 hgao 于 2017-05-07 20:58


Most of the time, the gratuity is often included as part of a service charge at restaurants in Sweden. If there is no service charge, 5-10% is the general rule for restaurant service. It is always important not to overdo it. The best option is to tip by rounding up the amount of the bill.

Opinions on tipping in Denmark vary. According to Danish law, any service charge, including tips for waiters, has to be included in the price in restaurants. However, waiters obvious appreciate a tip, and according to some sources, it is customary to leave up to 10% to the waiter, if you are satisfied with the service.

In Norway, tipping is not cumpolsory. It is however usual for Norwegians to leave a tip in restaurants and bars if they are happy about the service. A 10-20% tip is expected if the customer is satisfied. For Norwegians it's uncommon to tip taxi-drivers or cleaning staff at hotels.

In Norway, tipping is not cumpolsory. It is however usual for Norwegians to leave a tip in restaurants and bars if they are happy about the service. A 10-20% tip is expected if the customer is satisfied. For Norwegians it's uncommon to tip taxi-drivers or cleaning staff at hotels.

Service and VAT are included in the menu price in restaurants, bars, etc. all over Germany. Still, it is typical to "round up" the amount to some more-or-less round figure. A rule of thumb is to add 5-10%, generally ending with a full Euro amount.

In normal restaurants, including cafés, one can leave 
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