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送交者: MrE[布衣] 于 2017-01-29 18:09 已读 1347 次 1 赞  


好久没在这更新了。 刚从夏威夷回来, 把行程整理了一下,和大家分享。天气原因,所以照片不多。每天的行程大家也可以按照当天的天气,随意安排。 但要注意潜水之后的18-24小时不能坐飞机,甚至登山。所以如何安排潜水,也需要看之后的安排了。 这条贴主要是主岛 Oahu 的行程安排。想看Maui 就猛戳底下的第二个link 
Part 1: Oahu(First 6 days) - http://simplevoyager.com/index.php/2016/12/31/travel-plan-hawaii-oahu/Part 2: Maui (Last 4 days) - http://simplevoyager.com/index.php/2017/01/29/travel-plan-hawaii-maui/

Day 1 - Arriving in Honolulu

Since this is the first day, pamper yourself and take it easy. Walk around Honolulu and immerse yourself in the local culture and night scene. Pu'u 'Ualaka's State WaysideIf you feeling refreshed and energized, this State Wayside is a good visit for a short walk. Both the day and night offer a spectacular view. Waikiki Beach

Day 2 - West Side of Oahu

Diamond Head State MonumentHiking time required to reach the top: 20 - 40 minutesThere will be a huge crowd every day waiting for sunrise. So you have to wake up at least 1 to 1.5 hours before the sunrise to give yourself enough time to get there and do the hike up.

Downtown Honolulu - There are a few noteworthy places. You will have to manage your time though as the Luau happens around dusk World War II Valor in The Pacific National MonumentA beautiful memorial and a place to learn about history Ko Olina Beach Park Ka'ena Point Trail @ Yokohama Bay Germaine's LuauYou have to do a Luau. It is a culture immersive experience. It does not have to be here. Most resorts offer them as well. This place's food and show were both awesome though. So it' definitely recommended.

Day 3 - North East Side of Oahu

Today's focus is having a scenic drive => beach => hiking day. The gallery below shows the agenda for the day in order

Day 4 - South & East Side of Oahu

Hanauma BayIt is a 20 minute drive from Waikiki. But you have to get there before 9 am. There will not be a lot  parking space after that timeThere are places to rent snorkel gears and shower heads for you to use. Koko Head CraterIt is less than 10 minutes away from Hanauma Bay. However, you should get something before tackling the hike. Pack water, snack and energy bars before setting out. There are over 1000 steps from the bottom to the top. The view and standing over the actual crater will beTime required: 1.5 to 3 hours depending on your fitness level.

The Drive to Makapuu PointThere will be another hike. This trail is a much easier hike compare to Koko Head. Depending on your energy level, the decision is up to you. But do make the drive around the island, it is really scenic. Lanai Lookout Halona Blowhole Makapuu Point There are a number of spots that you can hit in Kailua if you have time. The list includes Lanikai Beach, Pillbox Hike, and Olomana Three Peaks.Nuuanu Pali State WaysideOn your way back to Waikiki, you will pass by this place. Definitely make a stop.

Day 5 - Activity Day

Sky DivingYou should definitely try it out! You can choose a 8000 ~14000 ft tandem jump. Not to mention the view is also awesome!The wait is pretty long. Book your appointments early in the morning so you still have the afternoon to try something else. Surfing!Usually the afternoon sessions start around two. You will be tired after sky diving. So take a break and have a refreshing lunch. The second part of the day is even more fun!

Day 6 - Relaxing Day and Travel to Maui

You can spend the morning in Waikiki and do some shopping or just relax on the beach since the previous day can be really tiring.

For Maui - See Here

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