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Rio De Janeiro (Brazil)
送交者: beachboy1688[布衣] 于 2016-04-03 22:06 已读 715 次  


Christ the Redeemer (Corcovado) in Rio, it is 40m high and one the most attraction in Rio, I had been waiting for 4 days to try to get a clear day, unfortunately, it was still foggy. 

Copacapana beach: the gorgeous curving beach of Copacabana stretches 4.5km from end to end, and pulses with an energy unknown elsewhere. It was very cloudy, so the pics are not bright enough. 

Ipanema beach in Rio 

Pao de Acucar: Rio's iconic 396m mountain offers fabulous views over the city! awesome!

Maracana Football Stadium: 这里誕生了世界上最伟大的足球队- 巴西! It is a shame which I couldn't get chance to visit inside the stadium due to refurbish for Olympic 2016

Cathedral Sao Sebastiao: very unique design of achitecture 

Marina Gloria in Gloria( next to Centre area) 

Escadaria Selaron - SANTA TERESA: Rio's most famous staircase is the legacy of eccentric Chilean artist Selaron, since 1990, Selaron had covered some 215 steps from Santa Teresa to La paz, with over 2000 tiles from 120 countries in mosaic-link fashion. Beautiful! 

Rio is one of the most greatest city in the world, passion, energy, enthusiastic, sexy and fervent, I love Rio! Santa Teresa, Lapa, Copacapana, Ipanema, Escadaria Selaron, Acucar, Cristo Redentor, museums, bars....unforgettable! will definitely come back again.


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