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Tayrona in Colombia
送交者: beachboy1688[布衣] 于 2016-04-03 7:34 已读 525 次 1 赞  


Tayrona National Park: one of Colombia's most popular national parks, is set in a super - naturally beautiful region, wild beaches with huge boulders, there only has 3 campgrounds in the park and only places allowded for swimming which are Arrecifes, La Piscina and Cabo, only Arrecifes provides bed of accommodation, but expensive and far from central park, hard to get back from jungle, rest of two have tents and hammocks only. It's a tough trip, walk alone in the wild jungle with extremely hot weather in daytime, the sun burns skin, living tent at night and suffering hot and mosquitoes, if someone is still interested to visit it, suggest that leave your luggages in your hostel in Santa Marta, and fill your small backpack with plenty water(the weather is extreme hot) and some snacks, note that there no wifi and mobilephone signal, essentially to bring long sleeves shirt, trousers and repelent with you, otherwise, when you have returned with hundreds of bites.

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