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夏威夷小艇Wailua River千泥漫路,百尺瀑布重压头UHD 4K
送交者: zhangd[★★声望品衔9★★] 于 2014-08-07 0:53 已读 1807 次  


夏威夷小艇Kauai Wailua River Kayak千泥漫路,百尺瀑布重压头UHD 4K

We started by loading the kayak on top of the car and driving to the public 
access launch point.  The Wailua river is wide where it meets the ocean with
a weak current so paddling upriver presents no problem.  A little ways up, 
it narrows down, and is quiet and very beautiful.  You may leave your kayak 
and hop up at any spot that appeals to you along the way, but you should 
take the hike to the Secret Falls.  If you just paddle up the river, you can
’t miss the wide area on the right-hand bank where you can pull up your 
kayak and find the trail.
The hike was fun, but not easy: up, up, up, through mud, mud, and more mud. 
Besides the mud, we caught a few brief rain showers as well.  Still, it was
worth every bit of the trouble.  For the first time ever, I was standing 
under a 100-foot waterfall. The water was pounding onto my head and back 
like a barrage of paintballs. This is the Secret Falls on Kauai Island in 
High definition video may help you see all of this better. This video is 
shot using a Gopro Hero3+ Black in the highest 4K setting (if you have 4K TV
, you may select this youtube Setting/Quality).
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