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I was in lucerne 4 weeks ago and one of the girls
送交者: weko[♂进士☆♂] 于 2013-09-13 22:38 已读 242 次  


回答: 瑞士的湖光山色? 由 q7 于 2013-09-13 3:26

in our tour had been told off by the service man at mount titlis just because she forgotten to put the plate on the tray while she was paying for the food. I do agree with you that Swiss are a bit cold maybe that's their culture... i don't know... the people in our hotel were nice and others i had encountered were nice too...

I do like the scenery  of Switzerland it's beautiful. I don't understand your claims about the scenery being artificial please explain more. Hopefully i can visit the country again at the same time thank you for telling me about Norway and i hope i can be there one day.

I have just finished my 26 days Europe tour and many small towns in Europe have surprised me such as Burgos and Toledo etc...

Visiting Europe could be a hectic for those of us who living in the south of the Earth where we spend 22 hours on the plane.
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