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送交者: 苦中作乐猪社会[布衣] 于 2010-03-17 18:52 已读 9 次  


回答: 请问有谁知道在纽约附近有没有好的旧货跳骚市场谢谢[求助]  由 rurou 于 2010-03-16 2:43

以下是一些跳蚤市场的资料,里面包括一些古董。 www.6park.com

Annex Antique Fair & Flea Market, 6th Avenue from 24th to 27th St, (212) 243-5343
Saturday and Sunday, Sunrise to Sunset
Furniture, Decorations, Jewelry, Clothing, Silver, and Works of Art.
$1.00 admission fee www.6park.com

The Garage, 112 West 25th Street, btw. 6th and 7th Ave, (212) 647-0707
Saturday and Sunday, 7am-5pm
Indoor antiques market www.6park.com

SOHO Antiques Fair, Grand Street and Broadway, (212) 682-2000
Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm
Antiques and crafts, leather jackets and lots of random stuff. www.6park.com

PS 321, Seventh Avenue btw. 1st and 2nd St. Brooklyn
Saturday and Sunday, 9am-5pm
Furniture, clothing, misc stuff www.6park.com

Greenflea, Columbus Ave. btw. 76th & 77th Streets
Sunday, 10am-6pm
A huge market with indoor and outdoor vendors selling wonderful imports and handmade crafts as well as antiques and books. It's called "greenflea" because there are farmers selling fresh produce as well as flea market vendors. www.6park.com

Noho Market, Broadway and West 4th St.
Open seven days a week.
This market next to Tower Records has lots of clothing and jewelry, along with tapes, sunglasses, bongs, etc. www.6park.com


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