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送交者: 鲈鱼[布衣] 于 2010-10-27 8:29 已读 9 次  


回答: 人的生命由时间和空间组成  由 鲈鱼 于 2010-10-27 8:28

美洲 www.6park.com

■库埃瓦—德尔阿斯—马诺斯Cueva de las Manos, Rio Pinturas1999
■科尔多巴耶稣会牧场和街区Jesuit Block and Estancias of Cordoba2000(Cordoba的第一个O上有一撇)
■塔夫拉达 德乌玛瓦卡Quebrada de Humahuaca2003 www.6park.com

■瓜拉尼人聚居地的耶稣会传教区:阿根廷的圣伊格纳西奥米尼、圣安娜、罗雷托和圣母玛利亚艾尔马约尔村遗迹以及 巴西的圣米格尔杜斯米索纳斯遗迹Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, Nuestra Senora de Loreto and Santa Maria la Mayor (Argentina); Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes (Brazil) 1983-1984 www.6park.com

(玻利维亚) BOLIVIA
■波托西城City of Potosi1987
■奇基托斯基督教传教区Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos1990
■苏克雷城Historic City of Sucre1991
■萨迈帕塔考古遗址Fuerte de Samaipata1998
■蒂瓦纳科文化的精神和政治中心Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture2000 www.6park.com

(智 利)CHILE
■拉帕努伊国家公园Rapa Nui National Park1995
■奇洛埃教堂Churches of Chiloe 2000
■瓦尔帕莱索港口城市历史区Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaiso2003 www.6park.com

(巴 西) BRAZIL
■欧鲁普雷图历史名镇Historic Town of Ouro Preto 1980
■奥林达历史中心Historic Centre of Olinda1982
■巴伊亚州的萨尔瓦多历史中心Historic Centre of Salvador de Bahia1985
■孔戈尼亚斯的仁慈耶稣圣殿Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas1985
■巴西利亚Brasilia 1987
■卡皮瓦拉山国家公园Serra da Capivara National Park1991
■圣路易斯历史中心Historic Centre of Sao Luis1997
■蒂阿曼蒂那城历史中心Historic Centre of the Town of Diamantina 1999
■戈亚斯城历史中心 Historic Centre of the Town of Goias2001 www.6park.com

(加拿大) CANADA
■拉安斯欧克斯梅多国家历史遗址L'Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site 1978
■安东尼岛SGaang Gwaii (Anthony Island)1981
■美洲野牛涧地带Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump1981
■魁北克古城区Historic District of Quebec 1985(C iv, vi)
■卢嫩堡旧城Old Town Lunenburg1995 www.6park.com

(智 利) CHILE
■拉帕努伊国家公园Rapa Nui National Park1995
■奇洛埃教堂Churches of Chiloe 2000
■瓦尔帕莱索港口城市历史区Historic Quarter of the Seaport City of Valparaiso2003 www.6park.com

■卡塔赫纳港口、要塞和古迹群Port, Fortresses and Group of Monuments, Cartagena 1984
■蒙波斯的圣克鲁斯历史中心Historic Centre of Santa Cruz de Mompox 1995
■铁拉登特罗国家考古公园National Archaeological Park of Tierradentro 1995
■圣奥古斯丁考古公园San Agustin Archaeological Park 1995 www.6park.com

■科潘玛雅遗址Maya Site of Copan1980 www.6park.com

(古 巴) CUBA
■哈瓦那旧城及其工事体系Old Havana and its Fortifications1982
■特立尼达和洛斯因赫尼奥斯山谷Trinidad and the Valley de los Ingenios1988
■古巴圣地亚哥的圣佩德罗德拉罗卡堡San Pedro de la Roca Castle, Santiago de Cuba1997
■比尼亚莱斯山谷Vinales Valley1999
■古巴东南第一座咖啡种植园考古风景区Archaeological Landscape of the First Coffee Plantations in the South-East of Cuba 2000 www.6park.com

■圣多明各殖民城市 Colonial City of Santo Domingo www.6park.com

(厄瓜多尔) ECUADOR
■基多旧城City of Quito1978
■昆卡的洛斯·里奥斯的圣安娜历史中心Historic Centre of Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca1999 www.6park.com

■霍亚-德赛伦考古遗址Joya de Ceren Archaeological Site 1993 www.6park.com

■安提瓜危地马拉Antigua Guatemala1979
■基里瓜考古公园和玛雅文化遗址Archaeological Park and Ruins of Quirigua 1981 www.6park.com

(海 地) HAITI
■国家历史公园:城堡、圣苏西宫、拉米尔斯堡垒National Historic Park Citadel, Sans Souci, Ramiers 1982 www.6park.com

■帕伦克古城和国家公园Pre-Hispanic City and National Park of Palenque 1987
■墨西哥城与赫霍奇米尔科历史中心Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco 1987
■特奥蒂瓦坎Pre-Hispanic City of Teotihuacan 1987
■瓦哈卡历史中心与阿尔班山考古遗址Historic Centre of Oaxaca and Archaeological Site of Monte Alban1987
■普埃布拉历史中心Historic Centre of Puebla 1987
■瓜纳托历史名城及周围矿藏Historic Town of Guanajuato and Adjacent Mines1988
■奇琴伊察古城Pre-Hispanic City of Chichen-Itza 1988
■莫雷利亚城历史中心Historic Centre of Morelia 1991
■埃尔塔津古城El Tajin, Pre-Hispanic City 1992
■萨卡特卡斯历史中心Historic Centre of Zacatecas 1993
■圣弗兰西斯科山脉岩画Rock Paintings of the Sierra de San Francisco 1993
■波波卡特佩特火山坡上最早的16世纪修道院Earliest 16th-Century Monasteries on the Slopes of Popocatepetl 1994
■乌斯马尔古镇Pre-Hispanic Town of Uxmal 1996
■克雷塔罗历史遗迹区Historic Monuments Zone of Queretaro 1996
■瓜达拉哈拉的卡瓦尼亚斯救济所Hospicio Cabanas, Guadalajara 1997
■大卡萨斯的帕魁姆考古区Archaeological Zone of Paquime, Casas Grandes 1998
■塔拉科塔潘历史遗迹区Historic Monuments Zone of Tlacotalpan1998
■霍齐卡尔科的历史纪念区Archaeological Monuments Zone of Xochicalco1999
■坎佩切历史要塞城Historic Fortified Town of Campeche 1999
■坎佩切卡拉科姆鲁古老的玛雅城Ancient Maya City of Calakmul, Campeche 2002
■克雷塔罗的谢拉戈达圣方济会修道院Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda of Queretaro 2003
■路易斯·巴拉干故居和工作室 2004 www.6park.com

■莱昂·别霍遗址Ruins of Leon Viejo2000 www.6park.com

(巴拿马) PANAMA
■巴拿马加勒比海岸的防御工事:波托韦洛-圣洛伦索Fortifications on the Caribbean Side of Panama: Portobelo San Lorenzo 1980
■巴拿马城考古遗址及巴拿马历史名区Archaeological Site of Panama Viejo and the Historic District of Panama1997, 2003 www.6park.com

■硫磺石山要塞国家公园Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park1999 www.6park.com

■塔瓦兰格的耶稣和巴拉那的桑蒂西莫-特立尼达耶稣会传教区Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue 1993 www.6park.com

■帕拉马里博的古内城Historic Inner City of Paramaribo2002 www.6park.com

(美 国) USA
■梅萨维德印第安遗址Mesa Verde 1978
■独立大厅Independence Hall1979
■卡俄基亚土丘历史遗址Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site 1982
■大烟雾山国家公园Great Smoky Mountains National Park 1983
■波所黎各的古堡与圣胡安历史遗址La Fortaleza and San Juan Historic Site in Puerto Rico1983
■自由女神像Statue of Liberty1984
■查科文化国家历史公园Chaco Culture National Historical Park 1987
■夏洛茨维尔的蒙蒂塞洛和弗吉尼亚大学Monticello and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville1987
■陶斯印第安村Pueblo de Taos 1992 www.6park.com

(秘 鲁) PERU
■科斯科古城City of Cuzco 1983
■夏文考古遗址Chavin (Archaeological Site)1985
■昌昌城考古地区Chan Chan Archaeological Zone 1986
■利马的历史中心Historic Centre of Lima1988-1991
■纳斯卡和朱马纳草原的线条图Lines and Geoglyphs of Nasca and Pampas de Jumana 1994
■阿雷基帕城历史中心Historical Centre of the City of Arequipa 2000

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