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回答: 人的生命由时间和空间组成  由 鲈鱼 于 2010-10-27 8:28

欧洲 www.6park.com

(安道尔公国) The Principality of Andorra
■马德留-克拉罗尔-配拉菲塔大峡谷文化景观The Madriu-Perafita-Claror Valley 2004 www.6park.com

(阿尔巴尼亚) ALBANIA
■布特林特Butrint 1992-1999 www.6park.com

(亚美尼亚) ARMENIA
■哈格帕特修道院和萨那欣修道院Monasteries of Haghpat and Sanahin 1996-2000
■亚美尼亚埃奇米河津教堂与兹瓦尔特诺茨考古遗址Cathedral and Churches of Echmiatsin and the Archaeological Site of Zvartnots 2000
■亚美尼亚格加尔德修道院和上阿扎特山谷Monastery of Geghard and Upper Azat Valley 2000 www.6park.com

■萨尔茨堡市历史中心Historic Centre of the City of Salzburg 1996
■申布伦宫殿和花园Palace and Gardens of Schonbrunn 1996
■萨尔茨卡莫古特的哈尔施塔特达赫施泰因文化景观Hallstatt-Dachstein / Salzkammergut Cultural Landscape 1997
■塞默灵铁路Semmering Railway 1998
■格拉茨城历史中心City of Graz Historic Centre 1999
■瓦豪文化景观Wachau Cultural Landscape 2000
■维也纳历史中心Historic Centre of Vienna 2001 www.6park.com

(奥地利与匈牙利) AUSTRIA and HUNGARY
■新锡德尔湖与费尔特湖地区文化景观Ferto/Neusiedlersee Cultural Landscape 2001 www.6park.com

■城墙围绕的巴库城及其希尔凡王宫和少女塔Walled City of Bakuwith the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower 2000 (C iv) www.6park.com

(白俄罗斯) BELARUS
■米尔城堡群Mir Castle Complex 2000(C ii, iv) www.6park.com

■布鲁塞尔大广场La Grand-Place, Brussels 1998
■佛兰德的比津社区Flemish Beguinages 1998
■拉卢维耶尔和勒罗尔克斯中央运河上的四座船舶吊车The Four Lifts on the Canal du Centre and their Environs, La Louviere and Le Roeulx (Hainault) 1998
■佛兰德和瓦勒尼亚地区的钟楼Belfries of Flanders and Wallonia 1999
■斯皮耶纳新石器时代的燧石矿Neolithic Flint Mines at Spiennes (Mons) 2000
■布鲁日历史中心Historic Centre of Brugge 2000
■图尔奈圣母大教堂Notre-Dame Cathedral in Tournai 2000
■建筑师维克多·奥尔塔设计的主要城内建筑(布鲁塞尔)Major Town Houses of the architect Victor Horta (Brussels) 2000 www.6park.com

■博雅纳教堂Boyana Church 1979(C ii, iii)
■马达腊骑士崖雕Madara Rider 1979(C i, iii)
■卡赞利克的色雷斯古墓Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak 1979
■伊凡诺沃岩洞教堂Rock-hewn Churches of Ivanovo 1979
■内塞巴尔古城Ancient City of Nessebar 1983
■里拉修道院Rila Monastery 1983
■斯韦什塔里的色雷斯人墓Thracian Tomb of Sveshtari 1985 www.6park.com

(克罗地亚) CROATIA
■杜布罗夫尼克古城Old City of Dubrovnik 1979-1994
■斯普利特古建筑群及戴克里先宫殿Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian 1979
■波雷奇历史中心的尤弗拉西苏斯大教堂建筑群Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Centre of Pore?1997
■历史名城特罗吉尔Historic City of Trogir 1997
■西贝尼克的圣詹姆斯大教堂Cathedral of St James in Sibenik 2000 www.6park.com

(塞浦路斯) CYPRUS
■帕福斯Paphos 1980
■特罗多斯地区的彩绘教堂Painted Churches in the Troodos Region 1985-2001
■乔伊鲁科蒂亚Choirokoitia 1998 www.6park.com

■布拉格历史中心Historic Centre of Prague 1992(C ii, iv, vi)
■克鲁姆洛夫历史中心Historic Centre of 萫sk?Krumlov 1992
■泰尔奇历史中心Historic Centre of Tel? 1992
■泽莱纳山的内波穆克圣约翰朝圣教堂Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Zelena Hora 1994
■库特纳霍拉历史名城中心的圣巴拉巴教堂及塞德莱茨的圣母玛利亚大教堂Kutna Hora : the Historical Town Centre with the Church of St Barbara and the Cathedral of Our Lady at Sedlec 1995
■莱德尼采瓦尔季采的文化景观Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape 1996
■霍拉索维采古村保护区Holasovice Historical Village Reservation 1998
■克罗麦里兹花园和城堡Gardens and Castle at Kromeriz 1998
■利托米什尔城堡Litomysl Castle 1999
■奥洛穆茨三位一体圣柱Holy Trinity Column in Olomouc 2000
■布尔诺的图根哈特别墅Tugendhat Villa in Brno 2001(C ii, iv)
■特热比奇犹太社区及圣普罗科皮乌斯大教堂The Jewish Quarter and St Procopius' Basilica in T 2003 www.6park.com

■耶灵墓地、古北欧石刻和教堂Jelling Mounds, Runic Stones and Church 1994
■罗斯基勒大教堂Roskilde Cathedral 1995
■科隆博格城堡Kronborg Castle 2000 www.6park.com

(爱沙尼亚) ESTONIA
■塔林历史中心(老城)Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn 1997 www.6park.com

■劳马古城Old Rauma 1991
■苏奥曼斯纳城堡Fortress of Suomenlinna 1991
■佩泰耶韦西老教堂Petajavesi Old Church 1994
■韦尔拉磨木纸板厂Verla Groundwood and Board Mill 1996(C iv)
■塞姆奥拉德恩麦基青铜时代葬地Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmaki 1999 www.6park.com

(法 国) FRANCE
■圣米歇尔山及其海湾Mont Saint-Michel and its Bay 1979
■沙特尔大教堂Chartres Cathedral 1979
■凡尔赛宫及其园林Palace and Park of Versailles 1979
■韦兹莱教堂和山丘Vezelay, Church and Hill 1979
■韦泽尔峡谷洞穴群Decorated Grottoes of the Vezere Valley 1979
■枫丹白露宫及庭院Palace and Park of Fontainebleau 1981
■亚眠大教堂Amiens Cathedral 1981
■奥朗日古罗马剧院和凯旋门Roman Theatre and its Surroundings and the 'Triumphal Arch' of Orange 1981
■阿尔勒城的古罗马建筑Roman and Romanesque Monuments of Arles 1981
■丰特莱的西斯特尔教团修道院Cistercian Abbey of Fontenay 1981
■阿尔克-塞南皇家盐场Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans 1982
■南锡的斯坦尼斯拉斯广场、卡里埃勒广场和阿莱昂斯广场Place Stanislas, Place de la Carriere and Place d'Alliance in Nancy 1983
■圣塞文-梭尔-加尔坦佩教堂Church of Saint-Savin sur Gartempe 1983
■基罗拉塔和 www.6park.com

■亚琛大教堂Aachen Cathedral 1978
■斯佩耶尔大教堂Speyer Cathedral 1981
■维尔茨堡宫、宫廷花园和广场Wurzburg Residence with the Court Gardens and Residence Square 1981
■维斯教堂Pilgrimage Church of Wies 1983
■布吕尔的奥古斯塔斯堡古堡和法尔肯拉斯特古堡Castles of Augustusburg and Falkenlust at Bruhl 1984
■希尔德斯海姆的圣玛丽大教堂和圣米迦尔教堂St Mary's Cathedral and St Michael's Church at Hildesheim 1985
■特里尔的古罗马建筑和教堂Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier 1986
■吕贝克的汉西梯克城Hanseatic City of Lubeck 1987
■波兹坦与柏林的宫殿与庭园Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin 1990-1992-1999
■洛尔施修道院Abbey and Altenmunster of Lorsch 1991
■赖迈尔斯堡矿和戈斯拉尔历史名城城Mines of Rammelsberg and Historic Town of Goslar 1992
■班贝格城Town of Bamberg 1993
■莫尔布龙修道院Maulbronn Monastery Complex 1993
■奎德林堡神学院,城堡和古城Collegiate Church, Castle and Old Town of Quedlinburg 1994
■弗尔克林根铁工厂Voklingen Ironworks 1994
■魏玛和德绍的包豪斯建筑及其遗址Bauhaus and its Sites in Weimar and Dessau 1996
■科隆大教堂Cologne Cathedral 1996
■埃斯莱本和维腾贝格的路德纪念馆建筑群Luther Memorials in Eisleben and Wittenberg 1996
■古典魏玛Classical Weimar 1998
■柏林的博物馆岛Museumsinsel (Museum Island), Berlin 1999
■瓦特堡城堡Wartburg Castle 1999
■德绍-沃尔利茨园林王国Garden Kingdom of Dessau-Worlitz 2000
■赖谢瑙修道院之岛Monastic Island of Reichenau 2000
■埃森的矿业同盟工业区景观Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex in Essen 2001
■施特拉尔松德与维斯马历史中心Historic Centres of Stralsund and Wismar 2002
■中上游莱茵河流域Upper Middle Rhine Valley 2002
■德国 不来梅市场的市政厅和罗兰城The Town Hall and Roland on the Marketplace of Bremen (2004)
■德国 (和波兰交界的)穆斯考尔公园Muskauer Park/Park Muzakowski 2004 www.6park.com

(希 腊) GREECE
■巴赛的阿波罗·伊壁鸠鲁神庙Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae 1986
■德尔斐考古遗址Archaeological Site of Delphi 1987
■雅典卫城Acropolis, Athens 1987
■塞萨洛尼基古建筑Palaeochristian and Byzantine Monuments of Thessalonika 1988
■埃皮达鲁斯考古遗址Archaeological Site of Epidaurus 1988
■罗得中世纪古城Medieval City of Rhodes 1988
■米斯特拉斯Mystras 1989
■奥林匹亚考古遗址Archaeological Site of Olympia 1989
■提洛岛Delos 1990
■达夫尼修道院、俄西俄斯罗卡斯修道院和希俄斯新修道院Monasteries of Daphni, Hosios Luckas, and Nea Moni of Chios 1990
■萨莫斯岛的毕达哥利翁及赫拉神殿Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos 1992
■韦尔吉纳的考古遗址Archaeological Site of Vergina 1996
■迈锡尼和提那雅恩斯的考古遗址Archaeological Sites of Mycenae and Tiryns 1999
■帕特莫斯岛的天启洞穴和圣约翰修道院Historic Centre (Chora) with the Monastery of Saint John 'the Theologian' and the Cave of the Apocalypse on the Island of Patmos1999 www.6park.com

(罗马教廷) HOLY SEE
■梵蒂冈城Vatican City 1984 www.6park.com

■平位利尔国家公园Tingvellir National Park 2004 www.6park.com

■博因遗迹群Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne 1993
■斯凯利格·迈克尔岛Skellig Michael 1996 www.6park.com

(以色列) ISRAEL
■马萨达Masada 2001
■阿克古城Old City of Acre 2001
■特拉维夫白城The White City of Tel-Aviv the Modern Movement 2003 www.6park.com

(意大利) ITALY
■梵尔卡莫尼卡谷地岩画Rock Drawings in Valcamonica 1979
■绘有达·芬奇《最后的晚餐》的圣玛丽亚感恩教堂和多明各会修道院Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with 'The Last Supper' by Leonardo da Vinci 1980
■佛罗伦萨历史中心Historic Centre of Florence 1982
■威尼斯及泻湖Venice and its Lagoon 1987
■比萨大教堂广场Piazza del Duomo, Pisa 1987
■圣吉米尼亚诺历史中心Historic Centre of San Gimignano 1990
■马泰拉的石窟民居I Sassi di Matera 1993
■维琴查城和威尼托的帕拉迪恩别墅City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto 1994-1996
■锡耶纳历史中心Historic Centre of Siena 1995
■那不勒斯历史中心Historic Centre of Naples 1995
■阿达的克里斯匹Crespi d'Adda 1995
■文艺复兴城市费拉拉城以及波河三角洲Ferrara, City of the Renaissance and its Po Delta 1995-1999
■蒙特堡Castel del Monte 1996
■阿尔贝罗贝洛的圆顶石屋Trulli of Alberobello 1996
■拉文纳早期基督教名胜Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna 1996
■皮恩扎历史中心Historic Centre of the City of Pienza 1996
■卡塞塔的18世纪皇宫18th-Century Royal Palace at Caserta with the Park, the Aqueduct of Vanvitelli, and the San Leucio Complex 1997
■萨沃王宫Residences of the Royal House of Savoy 1997
■帕多瓦植物园Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua 1997
■摩德纳的大教堂、市民塔、和大广场Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande, Modena 1997
■庞培、赫库兰尼姆和托雷安农齐亚塔考古区Archaeological Areas of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata 1997
■卡萨尔的罗马别墅Villa Romana del Casale 1997
■巴鲁米尼的努拉格Su Nuraxi di Barumini 1997
■韦内雷港、五村镇以及沿海群岛Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto) 1997
■阿马尔菲海岸景观Costiera Amalfitana 1997
■阿克里真托考古区Archaeological Area of Agrigento 1997
■阿奎拉古迹区及长方形主教教堂Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia 1998
■奇伦托和迪亚诺河谷国家公园和帕埃斯图姆和韦利亚考古遗址Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park and the Archaeological Sites of Paestum and Velia and the Certosa di Padula 1998(C iii, iv)
■乌尔比诺历史中心Historic Centre of Urbino 1998
■提沃利的阿德利阿纳村庄Villa Adriana, Tivoli 1999(C i, ii, iii)
■阿西西古镇的方济各会修道院与大教堂Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and other Franciscan Sites 2000(C i, ii, iii, iv, vi)
■维罗纳城City of Verona 2000(C ii, iv)
■蒂沃利城的伊斯特别墅Villa d'Este, Tivoli 2001(C i, ii, iii, iv, vi)
■晚期的巴洛克城镇瓦拉迪那托Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto (South-Eastern Sicily) 2002(C i, ii, iv, v)
■皮埃蒙特及伦巴第圣山Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy 2003(C ii, iv)
■塞尔维托里和塔尔奎尼亚的伊特鲁立亚人公墓Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia 2004
■瓦尔·迪奥西亚公园文化景观Val d'Orcia 2004 www.6park.com

(意大利与罗马教廷) ITALY and the HOLY SEE (each according to its jurisdiction)
■罗马历史中心,享受治外法权的罗马教廷建筑和缪拉圣保罗弗利Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura 1980-1990(C i, ii, iii, iv, vi) www.6park.com

(拉脱维亚) LATVIA
■里加历史中心Historic Centre of Riga 1997 (C i, ii) www.6park.com

■维尔纽斯历史中心Vilnius Historic Centre 1994(C ii, iv)
■柯纳维考古遗址 2004 www.6park.com

(马 里) MALI
■杰内古城Old Towns of Djenne1988(Djenne的E上有一撇)
■阿斯基亚王陵 2004 www.6park.com

■莫桑比克岛Island of Mozambique1991 www.6park.com

(尼日利亚) NIGERIA
■宿库卢文化景观Sukur Cultural Landscape1999 www.6park.com

(塞内加尔) SENEGAL
■戈雷岛Island of Goree1978(Goree的第一个E上要加一撇)
■圣路易斯岛Island of Saint-Louis2000 www.6park.com

(波 兰) POLAND
■克拉科夫历史中心Cracow's Historic Centre 1978
■维耶利奇卡盐矿Wieliczka Salt Mine 1978
■奥斯维辛集中营Auschwitz Concentration Camp 1979
■华沙历史中心Historic Centre of Warsaw 1980
■扎莫希奇古城Old City of Zamosc 1992
■中世纪古镇托伦Medieval Town of Torun 1997
■马尔堡的条顿骑士团城堡Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork 1997
■卡瓦利泽布日多夫斯津:自成一家的建筑景观朝圣园Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: the Mannerist Architectural and Park Landscape Complex and Pilgrimage Park 1999
■扎沃尔和思维得尼加的和平教堂Churches of Peace in Jawor and Swidnica 2001
■南部小波兰木质教堂Wooden Churches of Southern Little Poland 2003 www.6park.com

■亚速尔群岛英雄港中心区Central Zone of the Town of Angra do Heroismo in the Azores 1983
■哲罗姆派修道院和里斯本贝莱姆塔Monastery of the Hieronymites and Tower of Belem in Lisbon 1983
■巴塔利亚修道院Monastery of Batalha 1983
■托马尔的克赖斯特女修道院Convent of Christ in Tomar 1983
■埃武拉历史中心Historic Centre of evora 1986
■阿尔科巴萨修道院Monastery of Alcobaea 1989
■辛特拉文化景观Cultural Landscape of Sintra 1995
■波尔图历史中心Historic Centre of Oporto 1996
■科阿峡谷史前岩石艺术遗址Prehistoric Rock-Art Sites in the Coa Valley 1998
■葡萄酒产区上杜罗Alto Douro Wine Region 2001
■吉马良斯历史中心 Historic Centre of Guimaraes 2001
■皮库岛葡萄园文化景观 2004 www.6park.com

(罗马尼亚) ROMANIA
■特兰西瓦尼亚村落及其设防的教堂Villages with Fortified Churches in Transylvania 1993-1999
■霍雷祖修道院Monastery of Horezu 1993
■摩尔达维亚教堂Churches of Moldavia 1993
■锡吉什瓦拉历史中心Historic Centre of Sighisoara 1999
■奥拉斯迪山的达亚恩城堡Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains 1999
■马拉暮莱斯的木结构教堂Wooden Churches of Maramures 1999 www.6park.com

■圣彼得堡历史中心及其相关的古迹群Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments 1990
■基日岛的的木结构教堂Kizhi Pogost 1990
■莫斯科克里姆林宫和红场Kremlin and Red Square, Moscow 1990
■诺夫哥罗德及其周围的历史古迹Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings 1992
■索洛维茨基群岛的历史建筑群Cultural and Historic Ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands 1992
■弗拉基米尔和苏兹达尔历史遗迹White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal 1992
■谢尔吉圣三一大修道院Architectural Ensemble of the Trinity Sergius Lavrain Sergiev Posad 1993
■科罗缅斯克的耶稣升天教堂Church of the Ascension, Kolomenskoye 1994
■喀山克里姆林宫Historic and Architectural Complex of the Kazan Kremlin 2000
■费拉邦多夫修道院遗址群Ensemble of the Ferapontov Monastery 2000
■德尔本特城堡、古城及要塞Citadel, Ancient City and Fortress Buildings of Derbent 2003
■新圣女修道院 2004 www.6park.com

■伏尔考林耐克Vlkolinec 1993
■班斯卡-什佳夫尼察Banska Stiavnica 1993
■斯皮什和相关文化遗迹Spissky Hrad and its Associated Cultural Monuments 1993
■巴尔代约夫镇保护区Bardejov Town Conservation Reserve 2000 www.6park.com

■斯塔里斯和索泼查尼修道院Stari Ras and Sopo鎍ni 1979
■科托尔自然保护区和文化历史区Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor 1979
■斯图德尼察修道院Studenica Monastery 1986
■代查尼修道院 2004 www.6park.com

■科尔多瓦历史中心Historic Centre of Cordoba 1984-1994
■格拉纳达的艾勒汉卜拉、赫内拉利费和阿尔巴济Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzin, Granada 1984-1994
■布尔戈斯大教堂Burgos Cathedral 1984
■马德里埃斯科里亚尔修道院和遗址Monastery and Site of the Escurial, Madrid 1984C i vi
■巴塞罗纳的盖勒公园、宫殿和米拉宅邸Parque Guell, Palacio Guell and Casa Mila in Barcelona 1984
■阿尔塔米拉洞窟Altamira Cave 1985
■塞哥维亚古城及其输水道Old Town of Segovia and its Aqueduct 1985
■奥维耶多古建筑和阿斯图里亚斯王国Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of the Asturias 1985-1998
■圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉古城Santiago de Compostela Old Town 1985
■阿维拉古城及城外教堂Old Town of Avila with its Extra-Muros Churches 1985
■阿拉贡的穆德哈尔式建筑Mudejar Architecture of Aragon 1986-2001
■历史名城托莱多Historic City of Toledo 1986
■卡塞雷斯古城Old Town of Caceres 1986
■塞维利亚的大教堂、城堡和西印度群岛档案馆Cathedral, Alcazar and Archivo de Indias, in Seville 1987
■萨拉曼卡古城Old City of Salamanca 1988
■波夫莱特修道院Poblet Monastery 1991
■梅里达考古群Archaeological Ensemble of Merida 1993
■瓜达卢佩的圣玛利皇家修道院Royal Monastery of Santa Maria de Guadalupe 1993
■冈斯特拉的圣地亚哥之路Route of Santiago de Compostela 1993
■城墙围绕的历史名城昆卡Historic Walled Town of Cuenca 1996
■瓦伦西亚丝绸交易厅La Lonja de la Seda de Valencia 1996
■拉斯梅德拉斯Las Medulas 1997
■巴塞罗纳的帕劳音乐厅及圣保罗医院Palau de la Musica Catalana and Hospital de Sant Pau, Barcelona 1997
■圣米延尤索和素索修道院San Millan Yuso and Suso Monasteries 1997
■伊比利亚半岛地中海盆地的石壁画艺术Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula 1998
■埃纳雷斯堡大学城及历史区University and Historic Precinct of Alcal?de Henares 1998
■拉古纳的圣克斯托瓦尔San Cristobal de La Laguna 1999
■阿塔皮尔卡考古遗址Archaeological Site of Atapuerca 2000
■博伊谷地的罗马式教堂建筑Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boi 2000
■博伊谷地的罗马式教堂建筑Catalan Romanesque Churches of the Vall de Boi 2000
■塔拉科考古遗址Archaeological Ensemble of Tarraco 2000
■埃尔切的帕梅拉尔Palmeral of Elche 2000
■卢戈的罗马城墙Roman Walls of Lugo 2000
■阿兰胡埃斯文化景观Aranjuez Cultural Landscape 2001
■乌韦达和巴埃萨城文艺复兴时期的建筑群Renaissance Monumental Ensembles of ubeda and Baeza 2003 www.6park.com

■圣加尔修道院Convent of St Gall 1983
■米兹泰尔的木笃会圣约翰女修道院Benedictine Convent of St John at Mustair 1983

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