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送交者: 阿杜ADU[☆★投资人★☆] 于 2020-10-12 11:34 已读 156 次  


回答: 华人对美国总统大选的看法。 由 新东方红 于 2020-10-12 11:25

Biden has framed China’s rise as a serious challenge. He has criticized its “abusive” trade practices—warning that it may pull ahead of the United States in new technologies—and its human rights record. He says he would mount a more effective pushback against China than Trump and work more closely with allies to pressure Beijing. 6park.com

Biden agrees with Trump that China is breaking international trade rules, unfairly subsidizing Chinese companies, and discriminating against U.S. firms and stealing their intellectual property. He says one million manufacturing jobs have been lost to China.
However, he says Trump’s broad tariffs are “erratic” and “self-defeating,” and he instead calls for targeted retaliation against China using existing trade laws and building a united front of allies. He warns that China is making massive investments in energy, infrastructure, and technology that threaten to leave the United States behind.
He criticized Trump’s January 2020 “phase one” trade deal with China, calling Beijing “the big winner” and arguing that increased purchases of U.S. agricultural products won’t address China’s “illegal and unfair” economic practices.
He has also criticized Trump for accepting China’s assurances about the coronavirus pandemic, and says the Trump administration’s travel ban failed to halt visitors from China. He says he would insist on greater transparency from the Chinese government.
He attacked Trump for what he called a weak response to China’s infringement of Hong Kong’s autonomy and democratic processes under Beijing’s new national security law, and he stated that he would step up sanctions on those responsible.
He pledges to reinvigorate the United States as a Pacific power by increasing the U.S. naval presence in the Asia-Pacific and deepening ties with countries including Australia, Indonesia, Japan, and South Korea to make it clear to Beijing that Washington “won’t back down.”
He told CFR that “the free world” must unite in the face of China’s “high-tech authoritarianism” and that Washington must shape the “rules, norms, and institutions” that will govern the global use of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.
He has said that China’s corruption and internal divisions mean “they’re not competition for us.” He says deeper U.S.-China cooperation is possible on climate, nuclear weapons, and other issues. He also believes that remaining competitive with China hinges on U.S. innovation and uniting “the economic might of democracies around the world.”
He believes his vice-presidential experience gives him unique insight into dealing with China’s leadership, saying he has spent more time with Xi Jinping than any other world leader.
As a senator, Biden supported China’s 2001 entry into the World Trade Organization, which gave it permanent normal trade relations with the United States. As vice president, he backed the Obama administration’s Asia-Pacific trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), arguing it would have helped check China’s influence in the region.
He told CFR that China’s detention of more than one million Muslims in the Xinjiang region is “unconscionable.” He says the United States “must speak out,” and that he would support sanctions against the individuals and companies involved, as well as a UN Security Council condemnation.
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