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送交者: BarryP[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-03-29 13:06 已读 2281 次  


人生在世,有三不能笑:不笑天灾,不笑人祸,不笑疾病。 6park.com

立地为人,有三不能黑:育人之师,救人之医,护国之军。 6park.com

千秋史册,有三不能饶:误国之臣,祸军之将,害民之贼。 6park.com

读圣贤书,有三不能避:为民请命,为国赴难,临危受命。 6park.com

经商创业,有三不能赚:国难之财,天灾之利,贫弱之食。 6park.com

In life, there are three things you can't laugh at: don't laugh at natural disasters, don't laugh at human disasters, don't laugh at diseases. 6park.com

As a human being, there are three things that cannot be black: the teacher who educates people, the doctor who saves people, and the army that protects the country. 6park.com

There are three books in Qianqiu's history that cannot be spared: the minister of wrong country, the general of calamity and the thief of harming the people. 6park.com

There are three things you can't avoid when reading the Book of Sages: ask for the people, go to the country in distress, and be in danger. 6park.com

There are three things you can't make when doing business: starting a country's fortune, gaining from natural disasters, and eating for the poor.
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