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送交者: realSTFU[★初心似汪★] 于 2019-08-17 10:15 已读 8159 次 2 赞  


Police keep peace at Perth rally for Hong Kong 6park.com


Pierra WillixPerthNow 6park.com

August 17, 2019 5:47PM 6park.com



WA News 6park.com

Police have kept the peace at a rally in Perth today as students protested over the ugly scenes unfolding in Hong Kong.

Organised by the Perth Hong Kong Students group, around 100 protesters congregated at Forrest Place in the CBD around 3pm today.

They were met by hundreds of Chinese supporters — with the groups kept separate by police.

The start of the protest was delayed after pro-Chinese chants including “One China” drowned out speakers across the plaza. 6park.com

Hi Zhenwen, Lin and David Duan at today’s protest.Picture: The West Australian

A speaker from Amnesty WA was scheduled to speak, but cancelled due to safety concerns.

Police swarmed the area, with concerns the Chinese crowd could charge.

One of the pro-Hong Kong protest organisers Sherene Nee said the group wanted to show solidarity with protesters in Hong Kong.

“The reason why we want to protest in Australia is that we want to raise more awareness and want Australians to be aware of what is happening on the other side of the world,” she said.

A man was dragged off stage by police after he stormed it and waved Chinese flags.

Police said three move on notices were issued, as well as an infringement for disorderly conduct, but none were issued to protesters. 6park.com

把反对暴力和分裂中国的旅居华侨、留学生 、爱国华人(上千人)被称为-中国支持者!?

事实是,集会全程,旅居华侨、留学生 、爱国华人团体极其克制,没有喧哗,没有辱骂,更没有骚乱!但是,记者根本没有采访大家,更没有报道大家反暴力集会的原因!



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