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脱光紧抱草尼马! 兽医女学生「马头遮胸」屁股全露
送交者: 左右中间派[布衣] 于 2018-07-17 0:46 已读 7812 次 3 赞  


Students of The Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh have stripped off for a new charity calendar 

苏格兰爱丁堡的兽医研究皇家学院学生近日为公益日历拍摄一系列清凉照片,女学生不仅脱掉衣服,躲在许多只羊驼后面,还拿小狗遮住私处。这群学生经营的All4Paws诊所提供免费的宠物医疗,他们希望透过养眼的日历为诊所募款。 Not all the students were totally nude with some of the women choosing to don a pair of knickers for their starring role  Many braved the bitter winds of the highlands in order to pose alongside wild cattle in the stunning shots  A couple of students admire the view of the lake in the buff while a very patient sheep dog looks on  One man uses a riding hat to conceal his modesty as he poses alongside a group of female students in this pony pen 

据《每日邮报》报导,这个2018年的日历计划名为「当兽医脱光后」(When Vets Undress)。相关发言人表示,透过贩售日历,希望能为诊所筹到钱,并向街友或经费有限的家庭提供免费的医疗项目,像是帮他们的宠物做基本检查、除跳蚤、打疫苗等。

The calendar has been created in aid of All4Paws, a charity run by the students in order to help provide care for pets without a permanent home  The students travelled to some of Scotland's most scenic locations in order to capture the stunning shots  In a more unusual game of fetch a nude student poses on a stony wall as her spaniel waits patiently for her to chuck the ball A trio of highland ponies act as the perfect props to hide behind for this group of naked students 


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