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送交者: 两极的世界[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2018-07-11 14:57 已读 2595 次 1 赞  


还去抱怨租来的车不干净,哈哈 A DOPEY driver accidentally “stole” a complete stranger’s car and did not release for a fortnight, it emerged today.

The debacle began when the woman rented a black Nissan Sentra from a company in Cornwall, Ontario in Canada.

 The driver picked up the wrong car at a supermarket car park (file image) ALAMY
3 The driver picked up the wrong car at a supermarket car park (file image)

She then drove to a Walmart supermarket before coming back to find what she thought was her car in the car park.

The unwitting motorist then got into the unlocked car, pressed the keyless start button, and drove off — oblivious to the fact it was a completely different vehicle to her own rental.

Cars with button ignition can be operated as long as the key fob is located inside the car, which it was in this case.

Not long afterwards, a black Nissan Infiniti, which had been parked in the same lot, was reported stolen to local police.

 She originally hopped into her hired Nissan Sentra (file image) NISSAN 3 She originally hopped into her hired Nissan Sentra (file image)  Similar looking... She got into a Nissan Infiniti after the key fob worked (file image) NISSAN 3 Similar looking... She got into a Nissan Infiniti after the key fob worked (file image)

That car’s owner had also been shopping in Walmart before realising his vehicle had vanished.

In a lengthy Facebook post, the Cornwall Community Police Service warned motorists to never leave key fobs in cars when not in use.

They explained that for two weeks, the clueless woman “drove around and used the black car for her regular everyday activities” and only realised something was wrong after returning to the rental company to return the car.



The post read: “The woman spoke to the manager and commented about how unkept [sic] the inside of the vehicle was and the fact that there was a set of golf clubs in it as well.

“The woman was not impressed and handed over the keys.

“The manager, now slightly confused, observed the keys to belong to an Infinity, a vehicle the woman did not rent.

“The manager … proceeded to ask her where she went after leaving the car rental two weeks ago. The woman informed him of her activities.”

The pair returned to the Walmart car park, and the woman took the manager to the spot where she had parked her rental car — only to find it still sitting there as she had left it.

The police post continued: “The manager and the woman, who was now confused and a wee bit embarrassed herself, returned to the car rental company and contacted police, providing the information for the Infiniti and what took place.”

The hilarious post has received hundreds of likes, shares and comments from bemused Facebook users.

One posted: “That happened to me once. I got into the car and I noticed different objects on the dashboard, then I noticed I got into the wrong car.

“I was embarrassed.”

He added: “So both of them left their car unlocked and keys in it? Talk about a comedy of errors.”

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