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JT: Hillary Clinton 从华尔街恶人 GS 公司受贿?
送交者: 人心在[★品衔R5★] 于 2016-06-01 0:34 已读 109 次  


回答: 希拉里16个丑闻-转 由 人心在 于 2016-05-31 23:33

Goldman Sachs Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving… To The Clintons

By now we all know that Goldman Sachs is the gift that keeps on giving to the Clintons. Whether it’s paying millions out for speeches, investing in family member’s failing hedge fund ventures, or donating hundreds of thousands to the Clinton Foundation, Goldman seems to be keeping a close relationship with the family.

What’s a more fun development to watch (other than to see Lloyd Blankfein lose money invested with a Clinton son-in-law) is how persistent The Intercept is being with Hillary about Goldman. Every chance it gets, The Intercept has a reporter asking Clinton about Goldman related items, and of course they never get an answer.

Earlier this year The Intercept caught up with Hillary and asked if the transcripts of the speeches given to Goldman would be released. Clinton’s response was just to laugh of course, because as we all know, those will never be released… on purpose anyway.

The Intercept: “Hi Secretary Clinton, will you release the transcript of your paid speeches to Goldman Sachs?”
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