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送交者: 人心在[★品衔R5★] 于 2016-05-31 23:33 已读 1650 次  


Read more: http://viewmixed.com/16-hillary-clinton-scandals-to-know-before-the-election/18340/9#ixzz4AIHsC96f

1. Email Server Scandal

希拉里一直存在电邮问题。她主要是用私人电邮的问题。作为国务卿时候,她在纽约的家中工作,通过私人服务器发送邮件。所以,她的助理能决定什么邮件转给国家机构,什么邮件不发。由于邮件内容的秘密性和敏感性,这事成了希拉里的丑闻 Hillary has always had email issues. Not that she’s not good with a keyboard but more to do with “privacy.” During her time as Secretary of State, she send some emails via a private server when she worked from her New York residence. As such, her aides were able to decide which emails to turn over to the State Department, when requested, and which emails they did not. Due to the secretive and often sensitive nature of some of those emails, this is one of many of Hillary’s scandals.

2. Paula Jones Scandal

Paula Jones 是阿肯色州一个政府职员。她声称被比尔性骚扰。她1994年提告,要求100万赔偿。最终案子庭外解决。很多年以后,2015年,Paula 告诉记者他相信希拉里知道这事,但是她没有做任何事情,只是支持她的老公。 Paula Jones was a government worker in Arkansas, who alleged she was sexually harassed by Bill Clinton when he was a governor there. She filed a suit in 1994 looking for just under a million dollars in damages, although the case was settles out of court. Many years later, in 2015, the same Paula Jones told reporters that she believed that Hillary Clinton knew all about the sexual harassment yet did nothing and simply supported her husband.

3. FBI Background Scandal

这个问题爆发,是在克林顿当局被发现有700多份有关对手,共和党,的FBI的背景报告。一个问题是 Craig L 怎么得到一个羡慕的工作。原来是希拉里“推荐”,因为她和他的母亲是好朋友。 After the Clinton administration was found to have more than 700 FBI background reports on their rivals, the Republicans, all sorts of questions were raised. One big question was that of the director of the Office of Personnel Security, Craig Livingstone, and how he came to have that high-profile job. As the story goes it was Hillary who pushed for him to get the job as she was close buddies with his mother.

4. Norman Hsu Scandal

Norman Hsu 是希拉里2008年竞选中一个很大的赞助者,和集资者。他为民主党从各种途径集资,长期推广希拉里。但是,当 Hsu 被认定犯罪以后,克林顿扔个鸡蛋到她的脸上。 For those of you who don’t know, Norman Hsu was a big contributor and fundraiser for the Democrat party during Hillary Clinton’s Presidential campaign of 2008. He was the man who collected contributions to the party, from a variety of “sources” and went a long way to promoting Hillary. However, Clinton was left with egg on her face when it turned out that HSU was a criminal, and more than that a fugitive, who had been scamming people and businesses for many long years.

5. Vince Foster Scandal

这个人是阿肯色州著名律师,比尔童年伙伴。还和希拉里在70年代在 Rose 律师事务所紧密合作。当比尔成为总统以后,他参与政府工作。成为副白宫顾问。Forster 有抑郁症。1993年7月据称在家中用一颗子弹自杀。很多人认为是自杀。但也有很多人认为他为克林顿夫妇做了一些违规的事情。 This chap, a well-known Arkansas lawyer, was a childhood friend of Bill Clinton and also worked closely with Hillary at Rose Law Firm during the 1970s. When Bill became President he joined the administration as the deputy White House counsel. Foster was known to suffer from depression and in the July of 1993 he allegedly committed suicide in his Virginia Park home with a single gunshot. Most said it was suicide, while many claimed it had something to do with Hillary and Bill and some “foul play.” 6. Jorge Cabrera Scandal

Jorge C 在90年代是民主党支持者。曾捐过个人2万美金支票。当时能在媒体跟踪第一夫人的照片中看到这个人。 但仅仅几个月以后,他因为毒品事件被捕,判19年徒刑 Jorge Cabrera was a supported of the Democrats in the mid-90s and even wrote them a personal check of $20,000. During that time he was even seen in pictures, taken by the press along with the then-First Lady. However, just a few short months later and Cabrera was arrested in a drug bust in Miami and was given 19 years behind bars.

7. Sniper Fire Scandal

希拉里做第一夫人的时候,访问波斯米亚(原南斯拉夫一部分)美军。告诉媒体说自己亲自顶着狙击手枪火,冒着在机场被刺杀的危险。但仅仅一周以后,她收回说话,说错误评估了当时的实际情况 When she was First Lady as her husband sat in the Oval Office at the White House, Hillary went on an official visit to Bosnia and met with American troops stationed there. On her return she told the press that she had herself come under sniper fire and could have been killed at the airport when she arrived. Just one week later and Hillary took back those comments claiming she had “made a mistake” in the recounting of what actually happened.

8. Personal Email Scandal

认知国务卿的时候,希拉里使用个人邮箱处理公务。她据称使用个人邮件处理所有的公务。希拉里声称她从未使用个人邮件收发保密信息。但没人能确认这点。 When she was Secretary of State, Hillary also used a personal email address but used it to conduct official business. She allegedly used her personal email to conduct all of her official business. She claimed she never used her personal email to send or receive “classified” information but no one is sure of the real truth about this scandal.

9. Travelgate Scandal

在比尔克林顿进入白宫仅仅几个月,众所周知的旅游门事件发生。1993年春天,7个白宫雇员因为不当会计行为被解雇。显然希拉里在这个突然解雇之前很久就知道全部真相,而且可能参与了其中操作。 Just a few months after Bill Clinton entered the White House the well-known Travelgate scandal ensued. It started in the spring of 1993 when seven White House employees were fired for questionable accounting practices. Apparently Hillary knew all about the sudden firings way before they actually happened and may well have had a part in them.

10. Monica Lewinsky Scandal 莫尼卡·莱文斯基和克林顿桃色丑闻

当莱温斯基和比尔的关系被泄露出来,每个人都知道这件事。莱温斯基是当时唯一的实习生,显然和比尔发生了性关系(虽然比尔已经结婚)。希拉里完全否认她的丈夫做了这些不幸的事情。说在记录上整个事件是右翼阴谋。 Everyone remembers this one, as the relationship between Bill and Monica, who worked closely with him at the White House came out. She was only an intern at the time, and apparently had sexual relations with Bill, even though he was married. Hillary totally denied that her husband did anything untoward and said on the record that the whole thing had been a “vast right-wing conspiracy.”

11. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Scandal 当克林顿政府向布什政府交白宫钥匙时候,据称 “破坏,偷窃,。。” 到处都是。当克林顿从白宫搬回他们在纽约的家,据称他们拿了不该拿走的物品,价值19万美元。这对夫妇最终换回了这些物品。 When the Clinton administration handed over the keys of the White House to the incoming Bush administration, allegations of  “damage, theft, vandalism and pranks” were in abundance. When the Clinton’s moved from the White House to their New York home they allegedly took items from the White House which they shouldn’t have, totalling a shocking $190,000. The couple ultimately returned the items, but the scandal lived on.

12. Whitewater Scandal

白水事件是描述一系列关于克林顿的丑闻。比如,他们沿着白水河和他们的私人朋友一起购买几百英亩土地。这个交易失败了,很多不三不四的交易被暴露出来。这个丑闻导致了莱温斯基丑闻,被认为是搞垮克林顿的第一张骨牌。 Whitewater is the generic term for a bunch of scandals attributed to the Clintons. For example, they purchased a few hundred acres of land with their personal friends Jim and Susan McDougal along the White River in the Ozarks. That deal failed and many shady business dealings came out. This scandal led on to the Lewinsky scandal and was seen as “the first domino” that plagued the Clintons for years to come.

13. Clinton Foundation Scandal

很多人听过克林顿基金。这是克林顿在离开白宫以后建立的。这个基金本意是做为非盈利机构,用于参与全球气候变暖等事物。但据称很多时候克林顿用基金处理个人事情。更重要的说法是这个基金作为背后黑手参与很多狡猾的交易,知道今天 Many people have heard of the Clinton Foundation, which was set up by Bill after he left the White House. The foundation was meant to be a nonprofit operation and was set to deal with issues like global warming and climate change. Many alleged at the time that the Clintons used the foundation to forward their own personal agendas. It culminated in allegations of back handers and dodgy dealings which prevail to this day.

14. Benghazi Scandal

这是希拉里自己卷入的最著名的丑闻。2012年,四个美国人在班加西攻击美国使馆事件中丧身。包括大使。希拉里作为国务卿,因此被质询。质询她的各种电邮账户和使用情况。 This is one of the most famous scandals that Hillary Clinton found herself embroiled in. Back in 2012, four Americans were killed during attacks on a US diplomatic compound in Benghazi, including the then-Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Hillary Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State was bought into question due to her various email accounts and the way she used them.

15. Cattle Money Scandal

这个丑闻要追溯到70年代。当时希拉里在牛期货交易中挣了10万美金。她和当时在Tyson 食品公司工作的一个私人盆友同流合污。根据纽约时报 1994年报道,Tyson 食品公司收到政府 900万贷款,认为。。。 This scandal dates back to the 1970s when Hillary Clinton made a tidy profit of $100,000 trading on the cattle futures market. She was in cahoots with a personal friend at the time who worked for Tyson Foods Inc. Apparently, according to a New York Times article from 1994, Tyson Foods received $9 million in government loans, deeming the whole sage very unsavory and questionable.

16. Clinton Speeches Scandal

这不仅仅是比尔在很多机构做 一个类似的45分钟讲话,还包括他女儿和妻子。他女儿2014年标准收费是6万5千。希拉里做了 51场讲座,挣了1千1百万美金。这仅仅用了一年的时间。除了丑闻,不可能是其他。  It’s not just Bill who made a packet for giving 45 minute speeches at various institutions, but also daughter Chelsea, and of course, wife Hillary Clinton. While Chelsea’s standard fee in 2014 was around the $65,000 mark, Hillary reported a personal income of a staggering $11 million for a total of 51 speeches she gave in just a year. If that’s not scandalous nothing is!

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