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送交者: 无名野人[♂★品衔R5★♂] 于 2016-02-16 11:13 已读 1146 次  


The OnePlus X is the best value smartphone of the year. We love the premium design in a smaller form factor to the firm’s other phones. Software is a strong point and you get a gorgeous screen. However, cuts had to be made somewhere and the X is lacking features such as NFC, 11ac and Wi-Fi. It also is missing the fingerprint scanner and USB Type-C port found on the OnePlus 2. Battery life isn’t great and cameras aren’t best in class but this is a great phone for the price.

一加X是今年性价比最高的智能手机,我们喜欢其优秀小巧的设计较该公司其他产品而言。软件是它的强项,屏幕称心如意。但是某些地方有减配,例如没有NFC,不支持WIFI 802.11AC协议,没有一加2代的指纹识别和USB-C接口。电池寿命不长,相机不是最好的,但是任然是这个价位不错的手机.

1. OnePlus 2


●Reviewed on: 22 January 16


●RRP: £239 16GB, £289 64GB


The lack of NFC, a microSD card slot, a removable battery, and quick- and wireless charging means the OnePlus 2 is not a flagship killer. It does have some killer new features though, including USB Type-C, 4G dual-SIM support and some powerful hardware. At £289 (we don't recommend the 16GB OP2), it's an unrivalled deal.

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