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送交者: enews[♂★☆朝廷心腹大患☆★♂] 于 2015-11-13 15:27 已读 15389 次 3 赞  





另据香港媒体报道,法国巴黎周五晚发生枪击和爆炸後,警方指巴黎勒贝塔克兰剧院(Bataclan Hall)有人质被胁持	



At least 60 killed in Paris terror attacks, dozens taken hostage





A series of explosions and shootings has reportedly killed at least 60 people in Paris, according to emerging reports.

At least 26 people have been killed and at least seven wounded in terror attacks in central Paris tonight, it has been reported +15

At least 26 people have been killed and at least seven wounded in terror attacks in central Paris tonight, it has been reported

Bodies litter the streets of a Paris alley after a string of terror attacks in the French capital tonight +15

Bodies litter the streets of a Paris alley after a string of terror attacks in the French capital tonight

Victims lay on the pavement outside Paris restaurant following a terror attack in the French capital tonight +15

Victims lay on the pavement outside Paris restaurant following a terror attack in the French capital tonight

Two police officials said at least 11 people were killed in the restaurant shootout in Paris tonight +15

Two police officials said at least 11 people were killed in the restaurant shootout in Paris tonight

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant on Rue Bichat, close to where the Charlie Hebdo shootings occurred in January +15

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant on Rue Bichat, close to where the Charlie Hebdo shootings occurred in January

At least 11 people were killed in the restaurant, close to where the Charlie Hebdo shootings occurred in January, and another 15 killed in the theatre +15

At least 11 people were killed in the restaurant, close to where the Charlie Hebdo shootings occurred in January, and another 15 killed in the theatre

There was a shootout at a restaurant on the Rue Bichat, two explosions near the Stade de France sports stadium and another shooting at the Paris Bataclan concert hall tonight +15

There was a shootout at a restaurant on the Rue Bichat, two explosions near the Stade de France sports stadium and another shooting at the Paris Bataclan concert hall tonight

A police officer stands guard on a street near the scene of a shooting in Paris, France +15

A police officer stands guard on a street near the scene of a shooting in Paris, France

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January. +15

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January.

Witnesses have told of how they saw bodies littering the streets of Paris after a machine gun wielding attacker went on a rampage in central Paris +15

Witnesses have told of how they saw bodies littering the streets of Paris after a machine gun wielding attacker went on a rampage in central Paris

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant close to the Rue Bichat  at around 9pm +15

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant close to the Rue Bichat at around 9pm

Machine gun fire and screams were heard from inside a restaurant on Rue Bichat at around 9pm

An AK47 gunman attacked a Korean restaurant in the Bastille area of the city, while grenade blasts were also heard.

Police and other emergency services are at the scene, which is close to where the Charlie Hebdo attack happened in January.

Images posted online showed the cracked windows of what appeared to be the restaurant under attack.

Dozens of people were standing outside their cars on the junction opposite and the lights of polie cars could be seen above them.

Eyewitness Ben Grant, who was in a nearby bar with his wife at the time, said he saw six or seven bodies on the ground.

He told the BBC: 'I was told people in cars had opened fire on the bar. There are lots of dead people. It's pretty horrific to be honest.

'I was at the back of the bar. I couldn't see anything. I heard gunshots. People dropped to the ground. We put a table over our heads to protect us. We were held up in the bar because there was a pile of bodies in front of us.'

Emilioi Macchio from Italy was at a bar close to where the restaurant shooting took place, and said it 'sounded like fireworks'.

Read more:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3317776/Machine-gun-fire-heard-central-Paris-police-flood-scene-not-far-Charlie-Hebdo-shootings.html#ixzz3rPi2Gg3q Follow us:@MailOnline on TwitterDailyMail on Facebook

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