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My father is fighting the same cancer
送交者: mapeleaf2000[布衣] 于 2015-09-06 0:31 已读 654 次 4 赞  


回答: 妻子突然得胰腺癌,我非常着急,我该怎么办?? 由 无奈中 于 2015-09-05 15:04

(Sorry, I don't know how to type Chinese characters eventhough I speak fluently).  My father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer during the end of Mar 2015.  No evidence of metatasis to nearby organs.  His oncologist recommended surgery ASAP as it has not touch the blood vessels yet. Whipple surgery done on Apr 24, 2015 (removing Deuodenum, half of pancreas, whole gall bladder).  The recovery was brutal, took full 3 months.  But I believed the surgery was successful as he is now 80% of what he used to be, and the surgery enabled him to continue further treatment.  He is currently undergoing chemo treatment using Gemeitabine and Abraxane (clinical trial) at Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto, Canada on a 3 weeks on, 1 week off schedule for 6 month since the end July 2015.  So far the side effects have been mild with the usual stuffs:- lower white cell, lower neutrophils, fatigues etc.  But he still has pretty good appetites and managed to put on some weight over the past 2 months.  BTW he is now 78 yo.  We are hopeful but we are also realistic.  So he had instructed us what to do in case the treatment fails.  I hope your wife has good prognosis.  Also I strongly recommend your wife to have surgery done ASAP, if it is operable.  She is young and can recover from traumatic surgery much better than older cancer patients.  I wish you all the best in you and your wife's fight against this terrible disease.
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