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送交者: 阿瓜2015[布衣] 于 2015-03-21 3:15 已读 147 次  


回答: 求助 大家帮我看看 这样的信函 怎么翻译 谢谢大家了 由 阿布布 于 2015-03-21 0:05

you and me signed a contract in January, 2001. In the process of fulfilling the contract, we had a good cooperation. 
As of now, the major rights and obligations between us to perform well.

  According to the contract, we have paid 90% of contract price, and only 10% price of quality assurance section has not been paid.

  Currently, the contract term of performance is about to expire. Because our reason, it will not be able to fulfill the original contract such as
technical services, performance assessment and other related content on time.

  To ensure the interests of both sides and based on the condition of original contract, I would like to give the original contract was extended to the end of December, 2018, 
and to be signed additional supplemental agreements.

  Since we have the long-term cooperation, according to the principle of fair, equitable. We suggest you to consider our proposal and give response as soon as possible.
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