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送交者: panda88328[♂知县★♂] 于 2014-12-09 22:57 已读 170 次  


前几天在这个版发的  关于黑哥们被勒死的个人看法  的帖子,短时间类有很多人上来讨论, 不知为何版主忽然删除,能解释下吗?    今天在国外网站看到一些关于这件事情一些不被媒体报道的真相,发现当中很多跟我帖子里的看法相符,说明我的分析还是有一定道理的,版主莫名其妙删除反倒让人对版主的居心有无限遐想哦


Fortunately, both Newsmax and Breitbart have taken the time to carefully look at the evidence that is known, and have laid out some facts that are just plain being ignored by those who have rushed to preconceived judgments about the case.

1. Eric Garner resisted arrest. Whatever you may think about the charge for which he was being arrested, he nevertheless resisted the officers trying to arrest him. Former NYPD Commissioner Bernard Kerik said, “You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different.”

2. The video of the incident clearly shows Garner swatting away the hands of the first officer who tried to place him under arrest, which was viewed as resistance by the officers on the scene, which led to the actions they took to take him into custody.

3. Garner had an arrest record dating back to 1980, with more than 30 arrests, many of which were related to the ridiculous laws pertaining to loose, untaxed cigarettes, but with other charges ranging from theft to assault.

4. At the time of the fatal incident, Garner was out on bail from a previous arrest over selling loose cigarettes, with accompanying charges including driving without a license and possession of marijuana.

5. The “chokehold” used by officer Daniel Pantaleo, which many view as the contributing factor to Garner’s death, didn’t actually kill Garner.  However, the hold likely triggered and exacerbated several pre-existing health conditions suffered by Garner, including obesity, diabetes, asthma and heart disease.

6. Garner ultimately died of cardiac arrest, or a heart attack, which happened in the ambulance on the way to a hospital, where he was finally declared dead.

7. The “chokehold” used by officer Pantaleo wasn’t exactly a chokehold.  And, despite the fact that chokeholds have been prohibited by the NYPD for some time, there have been over 1,000 complaints of officers using chokeholds over the past six years, so this is not a one-off occurrence.

8. The grand jury began hearing the case at the end of September, so they had an ample amount of time to review the abundance of information, evidence and testimony that was available to them, but has yet to be seen or heard by the general public.

9. Nearly 40% of the 23-member grand jury was non-white, meaning that racism on the part of the grand jury was unlikely.

10. Most of the available charges that the grand jury would have considered for officer Pantaleo would have required them to believe that Pantaleo knew ahead of time that there was a “substantial risk” that his takedown would result in Garner’s death, something that would be nearly impossible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

11. There was actually one person indicted in the entire incident, although it was over a separate matter.  Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed the incident, was arrested on gun charges, charges he says are trumped up and the result of police harassment that he has faced since his video of the incident went public.

Like most cases, there is a lot of information, facts and evidence to be considered when deciding whether use of force was justified or illegal.  Unfortunately, most people don’t take the time to actually review the facts of a case before making up their mind about it.

Sadly, and far too often, influential politicians and members of the media are the worst about jumping to conclusions about a case before fully examining it to reach a logical and informed decision.

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