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送交者: Nettaiurin[布衣] 于 2014-05-02 0:25 已读 1338 次  


Wild Animals That Occur Around My Farmland ~

List of Mammals & Reptiles
Sequence	Name	    Group	Frequency of Occurrence
a	Dusky Leaf Monkey   Mammal	Quite Frequent
b	Dusky Leaf Monkey   Mammal	Quite Frequent
c	Malaya Macaques	    Mammal	Quite Frequent
d	Wild Boar	    Mammal	Quite Frequent
e	Crested Lizard	    Reptile	Very Frequent
f	Tree Squirrel	    Mammal	Quite Frequent
g	Treeshrew	    Mammal	Rare
h	Plated Lizard	    Reptile	Quite Frequent
i	Water Buffalo	    Mammal	Quite Frequent
j	Monitor Lizard	    Reptile	Very Frequent
k	Swamp Tortoise	    Reptile	Rare
l	Black Panther	    Mammal	Very Rare
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