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美国一机长空中发病 班机广播问乘客谁会开飞机
送交者: 风波亭[☆真武大帝☆] 于 2014-01-14 9:31 已读 3846 次  


2014年01月14日18:51  来源:中国新闻网

Passengers on board the United Airlines flight were 20 minutes into their journey when the crew asking if anyone on board had medical training Photo: Getty Images
  据台湾TVBS电视台1月14日报道,2013年12月30日美国联合航空一架爱荷华州戴芒丝飞往克罗拉多州丹佛的班机在飞行途中,机长突然心脏病发,所幸机上刚好有两名护士,赶紧上前急救,最后班机平安降落。这名护士和丈夫,一起上电视节目接受访问时表示,当时飞机广播除了问机上有没有医生,竟然还问有没有人会开飞机,吓坏不少乘客。   美国联合航空一架飞往丹佛的班机,去年底在飞行途中,机长突然心脏病发,两名护士听到广播后,赶紧上前为机长急救。琳达艾维丝和机上另一名护士艾米索伦森赶紧作出反应,跟她丈夫和其他乘客一起帮忙,把机长搬出驾驶舱到厨房。   就在一群人手忙脚乱地帮忙,飞机也还在3万英尺高空的时候,没想到随后乘客又听到更令心惊胆颤的广播。一位乘客说:“他们问说谁有开过飞机的经验。”这个不寻常的问题,吓坏了机上的乘客,所幸最后飞机的副驾驶,成功把飞机降落在奥马哈机场,机长送医后也存活下来。 National News Nurses save pilot suffering from apparent heart attack mid-flight Sunday, January 12, 2014 Jovana Lara OMAHA, Neb. (KABC) -- When the pilot of United Airlines Flight 6037, packed with more than 150 passengers and crew, suffered an apparent heart attack, it was nurses Amy Sorenson and Linda Alweiss way back in coach who sprang into action and saved the day. "They came over the PSA, asking if anybody on board had any medical experience," said Sorenson. Alweiss said she didn't hear it at first. "My daughter and husband, who were sitting behind me heard it and tapped on my shoulder and told me to get up and respond," said Alweiss. The Denver-bound United flight originated in Des Moines. Thirty minutes into the flight, attendants announced there was a medical emergency. The flight turned around to make an emergency landing in Omaha. "This is what happens in movies. This isn't what happens in real life," said Sorenson. Sorenson, a 24-year-old from Wyoming, along with Alweiss, a veteran nurse from Camarillo, say the captain was showing signs of suffering from cardiac arrest. "The pilot was clearly in distress. He kind of had his head down and was kind of mumbling. I was unable to get a pulse on his wrist," said Alweiss. Passengers looked on as the nurses scrambled to stabilize the pilot. "Once we got the pilot into the galley, both Amy and I went to work. There was a medical supply bag on board for medical personnel only, which was great. It was full of the IV fluids and the equipment that we needed," said Alweiss. Both worked in tandem on this day to help save a life, but neither is calling their actions heroic. "I really don't see myself as a hero. I did what I know for a patient that needed it," said Sorenson.

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