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送交者: jared[♂布政使★★☆♂] 于 2013-09-12 10:03 已读 2835 次 1 赞  


新加坡60多岁老头,华裔妇科医生,在网络上认识14岁学生妹,虽然明知道她还未成年,但还是至少2次约了她出去后发生性关系。之后嘱咐她吃morning after pill。老牛吃嫩草啊

A gynaecologist had sex with a minor at their first meeting despite knowing that she was 14, and not 18 as she claimed on a dating website. The offences came to light last September after the minor lodged a police report stating that she had been sexually active.

Ong Theng Kiat, 63, who has more than 30 years' experience but stopped practising temporarily from July this year, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to two charges of having sex with the girl. Eleven other charges will be taken into consideration when he is sentenced.

A district court heard that Ong sent the minor a long text message after seeing her details on dating website C-Date in 2011. Subsequently, the pair communicated with each other via text messages. She told him in a text message on Sept 2 that year that she was 14 years old.

On Sept 6, he drove her from her home to Bukit Brown Cemetery at Lorong Halwa where she changed out of her school uniform. In the car, Ong told her he was 40 and that his work was related to stocks. They proceeded to Balestier Hotel where they had sex.

He handed her two morning after pills and told her to take them to prevent pregnancy. He insisted she take one in his car, and later called to check if she had taken the second pill.

Ong and the minor met for the fourth and final time early last year and they had sex in his car.
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