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送交者: 牟山雁[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-02-29 16:57 已读 3908 次 6 赞  


梅维恒(Victor Mair)教授与本博主编的英汉双语《中国古典悼亡诗与哀祭文选集》(Classic Chinese Poems of Mourning & Texts of Lament: An Anthology), 今年五月将由Bloomsbury Academic Publishing 在伦敦出版发行。
(https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/classic-chinese-poems-of-mourning-and-texts-of-lament-9781350337220/) 6park.com


“The 120 selections have been carefully chosen and accurately rendered by some of the best translators in the field. The book will appeal to students of Chinese literature and religion, among others.” ―William H. Nienhauser, Jr., University of Wisconsin, USA 6park.com

“Unprecedented in scope, this singular collection conveys the profound feelings of mourning, yearning, and even anguish over personal loss by many of China's finest writers of nearly three millennia. This collection allows a deep understanding of what moved these many writers most profoundly and how they struggled to verbalize their emotions.” ―Robert E. Hegel, Washington University in St. Louis, USA 下面是目录:

Table of Contents  6park.com

Introduction 6park.com

Part I 6park.com


I. Selections from Zhou to the Six Dynasties(c. 1045 BCE-581CE) 6park.com

Shijing詩經 (The Classic of Odes; c. 840-620 BCE) 6park.com

“Green Shirt” 綠衣 (Tr. Xiuyuan Mi) “Kudzu Grows” 葛生 (Tr. Xiuyuan Mi) “Yellow Bird” 黃鳥 (Tr. Xiuyuan Mi)

Pan Yue潘岳 (247-300)

4-6.  “Poems Lamenting Her Death, Three Poems” 悼亡詩三首 (Tr. Chiu-Mi Lai) 6park.com

Shen Yue 沈約 (441-513)

7. “A Poem Lamenting the Dead” 悼亡詩 (Tr. Victor H. Mair) 6park.com

Jiangxi Yan江淹 (444-505) 6park.com

“Mourning My Deceased Wife, Ten Poems” 悼室人十首No. 5 (Tr. Victor H. Mair) 6park.com

Yu Xin 庾信 (513-581) 6park.com

“Lamenting the Deceased, Two Poems” 傷往詩二首No. 1 (Tr. Victor H. Mair) 6park.com

II. Selections from the Tang Dynasty (618-960) 6park.com

Wang Wei王维 (701-761) 6park.com

“Weeping for Meng Haoran” 哭孟浩然 (Tr. Paul W. Kroll) 6park.com

Li Bai李白 (701-762)

      11-12. “Facing Wine, Remembering Director He [Zhizhang], Two Poems” 對酒憶賀監二首 (Tr. Paul W. Kroll) 6park.com

“Weeping for Old-Timer Ji, Master Brewer of Xuancheng” 哭宣城善酿紀叟   (Tr. Paul W. Kroll) 6park.com

Wei Yingwu韋應物 (c. 737-791) 6park.com

“Returning from Outside” 出還 (Tr. Ji Hao)

“My Heart Pained at Our Old Residence at Tongde Monastery” 同德精舍舊居傷懷 (Tr. Ji Hao) 6park.com

Du Fu杜甫 (712-770) 6park.com

“Farewell at the Tomb of Defender-in-Chief Fang” 別房太尉墓 (Tr. Daniel Hsieh) 6park.com

Bai Juyi白居易 (772-846) 6park.com

 “Li Bai’s Tomb” 李白墓 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang)  “Courtesan Zhenniang’s Tomb” 真娘墓 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang)  “Dreaming of Weizhi” 夢微之 (Tr. Hua Zhao) “Mourning for Xue Tai” 為薛臺悼亡 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang)

Yuan Zhen元稹 (779-831)

21-23. “Assuaging My Grieving Heart, Three Poems” 遣悲懷三首 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

 “Parting Thoughts, Five Poems” 離思五首No. 4 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Chen Quji 陳去疾 (d. 835) 6park.com

“Going West to My Mother’s Tomb to Say Goodbye” 西上辞母坟 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Li Chen李忱 (810-859) 6park.com

“Lament the Death of Bai Juyi” 吊白居易 (Tr. Hua Zhao) 6park.com

Li Shangyin李商隱 (c. 813-c. 858) 6park.com

“A Poem Mourning My Recently Diseased Wife to Explain Why I'm Not Going to the Party, Sent to Brother Wang, the Twelfth Son of His Clan, and Officiant Auxiliary Weizhi, Who Stopped by and Invited Me for a Few Drinks” 王十二兄與畏之員外相訪見招小飲, 時予以悼亡日近不去, 因寄 (Tr. Hua Zhao)“Encountering Snow at Sanguan Pass during My Trip to the Eastern Shu to Assume a Position After Mourning My Newly Deceased Wife” 悼傷後赴東蜀辟至散関遇雪     (Tr. Hua Zhao) 6park.com

Cui Jue崔珏 (fl. 850-858) 6park.com

“Weeping for Li Shangyin, Two Poems” 哭李商隱 二首No. 2 (Tr. Hua Zhao) 6park.com

Wei Zhuang 韋莊 (c. 836-c. 910) 6park.com

“Mourning My Deceased Concubine” 悼亡姬 (Tr. Ji Hao)“Lamenting Zhuozhuo” 傷灼灼 (Ji Hao) 6park.com

Pei Yuxian 裴羽仙

32-33. “Weeping for My Deceased Husband, Two Poems” 哭夫二首 (Tr. Zhanyong Wu) 6park.com

Wang Huan王渙 (c. 821-901) 6park.com

 “Mourning the Departed” 悼亡 [春來得病夏復加] (Tr. Zhanyong Wu) 6park.com

Li Zhong李中 (fl. 947) 6park.com

“Mourning the Departed” 悼亡 [巷深芳草細] (Tr. Zhanyong Wu) 6park.com

III. Selections from Song, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties (960-1368) 6park.com

Mei Yaochen梅堯臣 (1002-1060)

36-38. “Mourning the Departed, Three Poems” 悼亡三首 (Tr. Sidney Sondergard) 6park.com

Su Shi蘇軾 (1037-1101) 6park.com

Tune: “River Town” 江城子 (Tr. James R. Hightower) 6park.com

Zhang Lei 張耒 (1054-1114) 6park.com

“Mourning the Dead, Nine Poems” 悼亡九首 No.1 (Tr. Ying Liu) 6park.com

He Zhu賀鑄 (1052-1125) 6park.com

Tune: “Partridge Sky” 鷓鴣天; Half Dead Sycamore Tree半死桐 (Tr. Lucas Klein) 6park.com

Zhao Ji趙佶 (1082-1135) 6park.com

Tune: “The Drunk Hapless” 醉落魄; Mourning Empress Mingjie as Pre-viewing [the lanterns at] Jinglong Gate 預賞景龍門追悼明節皇后 (Tr. Lucas Klein) 6park.com

Lu Xiu陸游 (1125-1210)

43-44. “Shen’s Garden, Two Poems” 沈園二首 (Tr. Zheng Wen) 6park.com

Dai Fugu戴復古 (1167-?) 6park.com

“On the Portrait of My Deceased Wife” 題亡室真像 (Tr. Ying Liu) 6park.com

Wu Wenying吳文英 (c.1200-c.1260) 6park.com

Tune: “Oriole Song Sequence” 鶯啼序; Late Spring Thoughts春晚感懷 (Tr. Lucas Klein) 6park.com

Zhao Menfu赵孟頫 (1254-1322) 6park.com

“Prince E Yue’s Tomb” 岳鄂王墓 (Tr. Lucas Klein) 6park.com

Chen Shen陳深 (1259-1329) 6park.com

“Mourning the Departed” 悼亡 (Tr. Ying Liu) 6park.com

Yu Ji 虞集(1272~1348) 6park.com

“Lamenting Chancellor Wen” 挽文丞相 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Liu Zongyuan劉宗遠 (a poet of Yuan) 6park.com

“Dreaming of My Mother in the Mountains” 山中夢母 (Tr. Jing Hu) 6park.com

Fu Ruojin傅若金 (1304-1343) 6park.com

“Visiting My Wife’s Tomb” 過故妻墓 (Tr. Ying Liu) 6park.com

Ding Henian丁鶴年 (1335-1424) 6park.com

“Mourning the Departed” 悼亡 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

IV. Selections from Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1911) 6park.com

Yu Qian 于谦 (1398-1457) 6park.com

“Lamenting My Deceased Wife” 悼内 No. 3 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Bian Gong 邊貢 (1476-1532) 6park.com

“Weeping for Vice Commissioner Fan Yuan, My Classmate in jinshi Examination, and 6park.com

Erudite Xu Zhenqing, composed with Mr. Li Kongtong” 哭同年范副使渊兼悼亡友徐博士祯卿同空同李子作 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

                      Yang Shen 杨慎 (1488-1559) 6park.com

“Dreaming of My Deceased Wife” 夢亡室安人 No. 1 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Xu Wei徐渭 (1521-1593) 6park.com

“It Has Been Ten Years Since My Wife’s Death” 内子亡十年 (Tr. Jing Hu) 6park.com

Zhang Juzheng 張居正 (1525-1582) 6park.com

“It Has Been a Year Since My Wife Died. Happening to read Wei Yingwu’s elegy on his wife, I was moved to write this” 余有内人之丧一年, 偶讀韋蘇州傷內詩,愴然有感  (Tr. Alice Cheang) 6park.com

Tang Xianzu 湯顯祖 (1550-1616) 6park.com

“Remembering the Dead on the Day of the Qingming Festival” 清明悼亡詩五首No.3 (Tr. Alice Cheang) 6park.com

Ma Shiqi 馬世奇 (1584-1644)

59-60. “Thinking of My Deceased Wife while Lodging in Jinling” 寓金陵懷亡婦No. 1   & No. 3 (Tr. Clara Ma) 6park.com

Bo Shaojun薄少君 (fl.1596) 6park.com

“One Hundred Poems Lamenting My Husband” 哭夫詩百首No. 5 (Tr. Wilt J. Idema) 6park.com

Chen Que 陳確 (1604-1677) 6park.com

“Mourning the Departed” 悼亡詩 (Tr. Ming Feng Kee) 6park.com

Shang Jinglan 商景蘭 (1605-1676) 6park.com

“Mourning the Departed” 悼亡 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang)“Weeping for My Deceased Husband while Passing the Riverside and Ascending the Huanying Tower” 过河诸登幻影楼哭夫子 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Wu Weiye吳偉業 (1609-1671) 6park.com

“A Lament” 追悼 (Tr. Zheng Wen) 6park.com

Wang Fuzhi 王夫之 (1619-1692) 6park.com

“Lamenting the Departed” 悼亡 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Wang Shizhen王士禎 (1637-1711)

67-69. “Thirty-five Lamentation Poems Composed for Zhang Yiren” 悼亡詩三十五首哭張宜人作  No.5, 13, & 18 (Tr. Richard J. Lynn) 6park.com

Tong Jia佟佳 (1640-1663)

      70-71. “Poems Lamenting My Husband” 悼夫 No. 4 & No. 86 (Tr. Wilt J. Idema) 6park.com

Pu Songling 蒲松龄 (1640-1715)

72-74. “Lamenting My Deceased Wife” 悼内No. 1, 2 & 6 (Tr. Sidney Sondergard) 6park.com

“Weeping for My Older Brother” 哭兄 (Tr. Sidney Sondergard) “On the Fourth Day of the Second Lunar Month, I Went to Weep for Sun Sifu with Santai in View” 二月四日往哭孫嗣服,三臺在目 (Tr. Sidney Sondergard) 6park.com

Nalan Xingde納蘭性德 (1655-1685) 6park.com

Tune: “Sands of Silk-Washing Brook” 浣溪沙 (Tr. Jing Hu) 6park.com

Zhao Yi趙翼 (1727-1814) 6park.com

“A Poem Composed after Dreaming of My Late Wife” 夢亡內作 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Zhou Shouchang周壽昌 (1814-1884) 6park.com

“Drying Old Clothes” 曬舊衣 (Tr. Zhenjun Zhang) 6park.com

Zhou Shuran周淑然 (Qing dynasty) 6park.com

“Weeping for My Late Father on New Year’s Day” 元日哭先大人 (Tr. Ye Tian & Jing Hu) 6park.com


I. Selections from Zhou to the Six Dynasties (c. 1045 BCE-581CE) 6park.com

Duke Ai of Lu 鲁哀公 (c.508-c.468 BCE) 6park.com

“Dirge for Confucius” 孔子 (Tr. Van Norden) 6park.com

Jia Yi賈誼 (201-169 BCE) 6park.com

“A fu Lamenting Qu Yuan” 吊屈原賦 (Tr. Trever McKay) 6park.com

Sima Xiangru司馬相如 (c. 179-118 BCE) 6park.com

“A fu Lamenting the Second Emperor [of Qin]” 哀二世賦 (Tr. Trever Mckay) 6park.com

Liu Che劉徹 (156-87 BCE) 6park.com

“A fu Mourning Lady Li” 悼李夫人賦 (Tr. Trever Mckay) 6park.com

Cao Cao 曹操 (155-220) 6park.com

“An Eulogy for the Late Grand Commandant Qiao Xun” 祀故太尉橋玄文 (Tr. Weiguo Cao) 6park.com

Cao Zhi曹植 (192-232) 6park.com

“A Lament for Jinhu” 金瓠哀 (Tr. Weiguo Cao)  “Dirge for Wang Zhongxuan” 王仲宣誄 (Tr. Robert J. Cutter) 6park.com

Xiang Xiu向秀 (227-272) 6park.com

“A fu on Recalling Old Friends”思旧赋 (Tr. Yue Zhang and Graham Sanders) 6park.com

Tao Yuanming陶淵明 (365-427) 6park.com

“Offering Text for My Younger Sister Cheng” 祭程氏妹文 (Tr. Graham Sanders and Yue Zhang) 6park.com

“Funeral Offering for Myself”自祭文 (Tr. James R. Hightower) 6park.com

Yan Yanzhi颜延之 (384-456) 6park.com

“Dirge for Recruit for Office Tao with a Preface” 陶徵士诔并序 (Tr. Robert J. Cutter)“Sacrificial Offering for Qu Yuan” 祭屈原文 (Tr. Jeffrey Tharsen) 6park.com

Jiang Yan江淹 (444-505) 6park.com

A fu Lamenting My Friend傷友人賦 (Tr. Paul W. Kroll)A fu Lamenting My Beloved Son傷愛子賦 (Tr. Paul W. Kroll) 6park.com

Liu Lingxian劉令嫻 (fl. 525) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Offering for My Husband, Xu Fei” 祭夫徐悱文 (Tr. Wilt J. Idema) 6park.com

II. Selections from Tang and Song Dynasty (618-1279) 6park.com

Han Yu韓愈 (768-824) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Offering for Liu Zihou” 祭柳子厚文 (Tr. Chen Wu) “An Offering for Lady Zheng” 祭鄭夫人文 (Tr. Ming Feng Kee & Zhenjun Zhang) “Offering Text for My Twelfth Nephew” 祭十二郎文 (Tr. Nicholas Williams)

Liu Zongyuan柳宗元 (773-819) 6park.com

“Offering Text for Lu Wen, Prefect of Hengzhou” 祭吕衡州温文 (Tr. Nicholas Williams) 6park.com

Li Ao李翱 (772-841) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Offering for Vice Minister Han of Personnel,” 祭吏部韩侍郎文 (Tr. Chen Wu) 6park.com

Bai Juyi白居易 (772-846) 6park.com

“Offering Text for Weizhi” 祭微之文 (Tr. Hua Zhao) 6park.com

OuyangXiu歐陽修 (1007-1072) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Offering for Shi Manqing” 祭石曼卿文 (Tr. Grace Huang and Liang H. Huang) 6park.com

“Memorial at the Tomb Pass on Shuanggang” 瀧岡阡表 (Tr. Nicholas Williams) 6park.com

“Eulogy for Su Zimei” 祭蘇子美文 (Tr. Chi-chiang Huang) 6park.com

Zeng Gong曾鞏 (1019-1083) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Offering for Wang Pingfu” 祭王平甫文 (Tr. Clara Ma) 6park.com

Wang Anshi王安石 (1021-1086) 6park.com

“Eulogy for Prefect Fan of Yingzhou” 祭范潁州文 (Tr. Chi-chiang Huang) “Eulogy for Ouyang Wenzhong” 祭歐陽文忠公文 (Tr. Chi-chiang Huang) 6park.com

Su Shi蘇軾 (1037-1101) 6park.com

“An Offering Text for Ouyang Wenzhong” 祭歐陽文忠公文 (Tr. Benjamin Ridgway) 6park.com

Su Zhe 蘇辙 (1039-1112) 6park.com

“Offering Text for My Deceased Older Brother Duanming” 祭亡兄端明文   (Tr. Alice Cheang) 6park.com

Li Qingzhao 李清照 (1184-c.1151) 6park.com

“An Offering Text for Prefect Zhao of Huzhou” 祭趙湖州文 (Tr. Jing Hu) 6park.com

Lu You陸遊 (1125-1210) 6park.com

“Lamenting Shen Zishou’s Mother, Lady Zhao 沈子壽母趙夫人哀辭    (Tr. Zhanyong Wu) 6park.com

Xin Qiji辛棄疾 (1140-1207) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Offering for Chen Tongfu” 祭陳同甫文 (Tr. Ying Liu) 6park.com

Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 (1236-1283) 6park.com

“Weeping for My Wife” 哭妻文(Tr. Jing Hu) 6park.com


III. Selections from Yuan, Ming, and Qing Dynasties (1271-1911) 6park.com

ZhengYundauan鄭允端 (c.1327-1356) 6park.com

“A Dirge for Myself” 自拟挽歌辞 (Tr. Wilt J. Idema) 6park.com

Yuan Hongdao袁宏道 (1568-1610) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Address to My Wife Li on the Day of Small Auspiciousness” 李安人小祥 文 (Tr. Shengyu Wang) 6park.com

Yuan Zhongdao袁中道 (1570-1626) 6park.com

“Sacrificial Address for Zhongang” 告中郎文 (Tr. Ying Zou) 6park.com

Chen Que 陳確 (1604-1677) 6park.com

“An Offering for My Deceased Wife” 祭婦文 (Tr. Guo-ou Zhuang) 6park.com

Fang Bao方苞 (1668-1749) 6park.com

“Lament for Xuan Zuoren” 宣左人哀辞 (Tr. Shengyu Wang) 6park.com

Liu Dakui 劉大櫆 (1698-1779) 6park.com

“Offering Text for My Uncle” 祭舅氏文 (Tr. Guo-ou Zhuang) 6park.com

Yuan Mei袁枚 (1716-1797) 6park.com

“In Memory of My Younger Sister” 祭妹文 (Tr. Martin Huang) 6park.com


Biographical Sketches of Translators

Selected Bibliography



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