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More questions. Please explain......
送交者: 哼!肥猫[♂★品衔R6★♂] 于 2020-07-17 12:49 已读 90 次  


回答: 在土耳其伊斯坦布尔和美女们商谈娶他们当做老婆 由 nowhere1 于 2020-07-16 16:31

So you did afford the tests fees?That is a bit different from what you said.  6park.com

What makes me more curious is that both the members in Senate and the House of Rep. sent the letters/instructions to the Consulate in Shanghai. As either should be powerful enough already. Why both? Could you show all the evidences? 6park.com

How did you manage the tuition fees and life expenses? Weren't you asked when applying for the visa? Sure you got the reference from someone with high privilege, but it was for the visa only. I believe you still had to sort it yourself. And regarding the reference itself, how did these noble persons know you? Did they fly to see you in China? As it would be a bizarre that people would give away ref. without seeing you in person. You shouldn't be famous enough or up to the merit that they thought you were that "usable". Or did you? Again, any proof? 6park.com

Why did the staff in Consulate "reluctantly" issue the visa? Based on the TOEFL and the GRE you had taken and the order in advance by someone higher up, they should "happily" offer you the visa. 6park.com

What course did you take in the USA? Which Uni? What level of qualification did you get? Did it match the requirement in the following professional position? 6park.com

How about your work experiences? It seems a miracle to me, and maybe to others as well.
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