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送交者: 里昂基金[布衣] 于 2015-04-18 9:55 已读 611 次 2 赞  


Harry Frankfurt is one of the...           On Bullshit......      I agree with Harry Frankfurt's concept off  "bullshit" in this paper.....                     to analyze the ......       of bullshit in the Chinese culture......      In his book, Harry Frankfurt states that bullshit is a from of statement.....     that (he regards) as of the essence of bullshit.......        Furthermore, Harry Frankfurt believes that the motive of bullshit"is not designed......        Harry Frankfurt also accentuates that "bullshit is unavoidable ......        Finally, Harry Frankfurt point out the coexistence of skepticism and bullshit. He laments that based on 'skeptics'  point of the view, "sincerity itself is bullshit." ........       Based on Harry Frankfurt's account of bullshit, I found that there were so many form of "bullshit" in the Chinese culture. Bullshit is ubiquitous on the Chinese society.     Ordinary people talk about bullshit to each other every day. I still remember when I was in kindergarten, ........        About big scissors flying in the sky, and witnessed by many people. I was then so scared about this big flying scissors for a long time. After I grew up, I knew the flying scissors was just a form of bullshit, or untrue reality.........         The bullshits were in the principal doctrines of Taoism. ...................           unfortunately died from consuming the Taoist Dans (rounded-shape compound made of lethal mercury and lead).  ...........................     


Chinese medicinale theory, ......        represent the elements of wood lung resembles the properties of metal , etc. Men can then base these properties to...........           Successes of herbal medicine. .....           Bullshits are even found in the teachings of venerable kung fu practice in china. Kung fu is the center of pride in the Chinese culture, But there were simply too much bullshits and exaggerations surrounding the understanding of kung fu. In essence, what makes kung fu hard to believe is that a person can fly or kill his or her opponets without even touch the him or her.

版主:落山鸡于2015_04_18 11:29:25编辑

版主:落山鸡于2015_04_18 11:29:34编辑

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